Splinterlands Art Contest Week 321!(XENITH MONK FAN ART)
Hey there everyone in today post I'm gonna be showing you guys
a fan art of another splinterland character ive always wanted to do for a while
I wanted to put him in a very action pose, but I decided to go with the classic stuck in the corner ready for to fight for your life scenario
Hola a todos en el post de hoy voy a estar mostrando ustedes
un fan art de otro personaje de splinterland que siempre quise hacer por un tiempo
Quería ponerlo en una pose de acción, pero decidí ir con el clásico atrapado en la esquina listo para luchar por su vida escenario
before i show you the process lets check out last weeks winners
antes de mostrarle el proceso vamos a ver los ganadores de la semana pasada
- in first place - @bravetofu with https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@bravetofu/the-rift-oshuurs-watch-or-splinterlands-movie-mock-trailer
- in second place @deddywox with https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@deddywox/arachne-weaver-or-spt-w
- in third its meeee @victoradebiyiart with https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@victoradebiyiart/splinterlands-art-contest-week-320-lux-vega-fan-art
- next we have @alexa.arthttps://peakd.com/hive-158694/@alexa.art/angel-of-light-snbvx0
- next we have @oscurocactus with https://peakd.com/hive-158694/@oscurocactus/madcap-magus-or-splinterlands-art-contest-week-320
Here's the process:
ESte es el proceso
That will be all for now
and ill see you in the next one.
Eso es todo por ahora
y nos vemos en la próxima.
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria

Really, and the face manages to convey absolute concentration, I also really like that it is not a close-up, I still think that it is further back, it also gives it a certain mysticism and distance to leave it in peace with its meditation.
I wanted to put him in the midst of a fight but still showcase calmness with his pose
even in the face of danger