Reseña anime: Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp // Anime review: Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp



Un nuevo isekai, que prueba en el cambio en su inicio, ya que la protagonista pasará por 2 muertes. Estrenada este año, la vi en Crunchyroll. Desarrollada por el estudio Maho Film, siendo su directora Kumiko Habara.

A new isekai, which tests in the change in its beginning, as the protagonist will go through 2 deaths. Released this year, I watched it on Crunchyroll. Developed by Maho Film studio, being its director Kumiko Habara.

Sinopsis: La doctora Aoi Takamoto es una chica que vive una 2da vida como doctora; sin embargo, tras un accidente aéreo, acaba volviendo a su antigua vida, la de una emperatriz llamada Elise. Ahora con una nueva oportunidad para corregir sus errores pasados, tratará de tomar buenas decisiones, mientras usa sus habilidades como doctora.

Synopsis: Doctor Aoi Takamoto is a girl living a 2nd life as a doctor; however, after a plane crash, she ends up returning to her old life, that of an empress named Elise. Now with a new opportunity to correct her past mistakes, she will try to make good decisions, while using her skills as a doctor.

Si bien el inicio parece un tanto confuso, se aclara rápido. Elise era una emperatriz engreída que tras morir, y vivir una nueva vida como doctora, entendió su mal comportamiento anterior. Por ello, tratará de evitar repetir errores pasados, buscando apoyar a su familia y reino, con su habilidad pasada, de doctora.

While the beginning seems a bit confusing, it quickly becomes clear. Elise was a conceited empress who, after dying and living a new life as a doctor, understood her previous bad behavior. Therefore, she will try to avoid repeating past mistakes, seeking to support her family and kingdom, with her past ability as a doctor.



Sin embargo, esto no es tan simple, pues se espera que se vuelva la esposa de un príncipe. Además debe mostrar sus habilidades de doctora comenzando desde abajo y preparándose para un difícil examen. Es entretenido ver a la protagonista deslumbrando a diferentes personajes con sus nuevas habilidades. Tiene un tono cómico, con cierto romance. He de decir que la trama me pareció adictiva, se puede ver rápido.

However, this is not so simple, as she is expected to become the wife of a prince. She must also show her doctoring skills by starting from the bottom and preparing for a difficult exam. It is entertaining to see the protagonist dazzling different characters with her new skills. It has a comic tone, with some romance. I have to say that I found the plot addictive, it can be watched quickly.

La animación es regular, con momentos bastantes malos. Las canciones de opening y ending están bien, aunque me gusto más el primero. Los diseños tienen estilo shoujo, demasiado usuales.

The animation is average, with some bad moments. The opening and ending songs are good, although I liked the first one better. The designs have a shoujo style, too usual.

He de decir que me gusto la serie, pero solo te la recomendaría si te interesa la premisa, ya que en otros aspectos, no destaca.

I have to say that I liked the series, but I would only recommend it if you are interested in the premise, since in other aspects, it doesn't stand out.

Calificación personal: 7.2 de 10.

Personal rating: 7.2 out of 10.


este anime es muy bueno, la parte de la medicina es genial como se aplica y se habla de ello, excelente post!

this anime is very good, the medicine part is great how it is applied and talked about, excellent post!
