Can We Truly Live Without Animal Products?


Hi guys,

So it’s the weekend as usual most people have a lot of fun activities planned out for these days. Remember that you’ll need to be fit to go to work on Monday so play hard but play not too hard lol.

Today’s topic is a topic which brought back a bit of a memory and a laugh to me. I’ve always wondered what being vegan is like. The truth is i don’t think anyone can be a full vegan. I say this because as much as you’ll love to refer to yourself as vegan you still need animals for a lot of things. The clothes we wear, the footwear, the food we eat and a lot of things are made with animal products. As much as some people are against the killing of animals to satisfy our basic needs we must also consider the fact that we have to survive.

I remember when the day I started my attachment at an NGO not too far from my area, when we were having the orientation the speaker said he’s a vegetarian by choice. He said this to mean that at times he can choose not to eat anything meat, fish or eggs but then other times he does. As much as I am someone who doesn’t enjoy as much meat as some of my colleagues I don’t think I can be a vegetarian by choice; yes, I know I don’t like a lot of meat but then I do enjoy a little of it from to time.

See how hard it is for me to avoid meat and the likes? So how do I become a vegan when I can’t even avoid the basic things.

I’ve never thought of being vegan before as that was not the way I was brought up. U was brought up to use and like animal products so it’s going to be really hard for me to just wake up one day and then say I don’t want to use animal products anymore. It’s what I have known for most part of my life. So no I can’t keep up a vegan life for even a day.

Well, people believe in what they want to believe and as much as we try to condemn it we must still respect what they believe in as long as it’s not hurting anyone. I don’t mind a vegan deciding to go vegan because he or she thinks it’s a much healthier way of health. Apart from it being a healthier way to them they also consider it as a way of protecting the animals that live under the same conditions as us.

As far as being a more healthier way of life, we would leave it to them to decide but then we must admit that they are missing out of the numerous nutritional benefits of this animal products.

Is being a vegan something you have considered before? Some people say that it’s a good way of life, will you consider it if there were studies to proof that it is indeed the right way of life?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Veganism is definitely incredibly unhealthy in my opinion. We absolutely need animal products. There are certain vitamins that ONLY occur in animals that we need to source from such as B vitamins. Then there’s omega 3 oils that best come from fish and fish livers that are simply not as bioavailable in plants or nuts.

Not to mention that the notion of any food that a vegan eats being “free” of animals being killed is comical. The fields that farmers plow for soy beans - they poison the fuck out of the soil, till it with a tractor and that slaughters any ground animal, nesting bird, and insect that gets in the way without a second thought.

Then there’s the stuff in the soil such as worms or nematodes and things like that - these die as well and get incorporated into the food.

Sadly what I think it is more than anything is a religion - people who are vegan are some of the most opinionated and loud people about their views and it’s pretty annoying. I have a cousin who is obscene with it and she’s also incredibly unhealthy because her body is starving from not having any animal products and healthy fats.

If people want to do this - go ahead but approach it scientifically. Do the real research on it instead of just treating it like a religion and only seeing the surface level shit.


I can only agree with you. For my part I wouldn’t say I have a huge problem with it as long as it’s not hurting anyone.

But then the other face of it is that it’s hurting them and they refuse to accept it.

Eventually in the long run they treat it like some sort of religion or belief which they have to stay true to.


Btw most soybean on earth is grown for animal fodder


Truth be told, even though being a vegan is considered healthy with proves i don't think it's something am willing to embark on..... already am a foodie who loves to try out new delicacy here and there so switching to being a vegetarian is more like a death sentence. 🤣🤣🤣

But then to some point veganism is considered to be a healthy way of living, rich in fiber and low in cholesterol.


Man apart from meat and eggs that I don’t like I don’t care about what is in my food😂
