[ESP-ENG] ☕🍫 Join me to prepare my delicious chocolate coffee - Acompáñame a preparar mi delicioso café con chocolate ☕🍫

WhatsApp Image 2022-07-25 at 9.04.10 AM.jpeg

📸 Photo taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 smartphone

Excelente inicio de semana para todos los adictos al café ♥ Hoy comparto con ustedes el modo de preparación de mi delicioso café matutino , inspirado en el café con chocolate mejor conocido como Café Marocchino, me encanta variar un poco la hora de tomar el café nunca está de más, y esto es justamente lo que hace el café al chocolate. Se trata de añadir un ligero toque extra de cafeína y sabor en forma de cacao en polvo, una receta deliciosa y adictiva.

• Café
• Cacao en polvo
• Tableta de Chocolate derretida
• Azucar
• Leche en polvo

Excellent start of the week for all coffee addicts ♥ Today I share with you how to prepare my delicious morning coffee, inspired by coffee with chocolate better known as Café Marocchino, I love to vary a little coffee drinking time never hurts, and this is just what coffee with chocolate does. It's all about adding a slight extra touch of caffeine and flavor in the form of cocoa powder, a delicious and addictive recipe.


  • Coffee
  • Cocoa powder
  • Melted chocolate bar
  • Sugar
  • Milk powder

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Para empezar tomamos nuestro café de preferencia en mi caso estoy utilizando este delicioso café llamado protectora , nacional de mi patria , lo coloco en mi cafetera y preparo mi café bien negrito.

To begin with we take our coffee of preference, in my case I am using this delicious coffee called protectora, national of my country, I put it in my coffee pot and prepare my black coffee.

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Cuando nuestro café este listo lo vierto en mi licuadora junto con un chorrito de leche liquida mientras , hago esto coloco en velocidad media la licuadora para ir uniendo los sabores y creando un poco de espuma

When our coffee is ready, I pour it into my blender along with a splash of liquid milk while I do this, I set the blender on medium speed to blend the flavors and create a little foam.

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Mientras la licuadora sigue en movimiento coloco una cucharada de leche en polvo y una y media de cacao en polvo

While the blender is still running, I add one tablespoon of powdered milk and one and a half tablespoons of cocoa powder.

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En una taza aparte siempre preparo un chocolate derretido super sencillo utilizo una tableta de chocolate negro y la derrito a baño de maría y la coloco en un envase y ya después la dejo en la nevera, tomo mi taza preferida y alrededor del café coloco chocolate derretido y en este momento vierto mi delicioso y espumoso café con chocolate
In a separate cup I always prepare a super simple melted chocolate, I use a bar of dark chocolate and melt it in a bain-marie and put it in a container and then I leave it in the fridge, I take my favorite cup and around the coffee I put melted chocolate and at this moment I pour my chocolate sauce.

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Y listo! tenemos un delicioso café con un aroma espectacular con una consistencia espumosa y un poco cremosa gracias a la leche en polvo podemos agregar canela al gusto para fusionar mas sabores en nuestra boca ♥ espero que disfruten este suculento post y realicen esta delicia Hivers, les envió besos y abrazos virtuales.
And ready! we have a delicious coffee with a spectacular aroma with a frothy consistency and a little creamy thanks to the powdered milk we can add cinnamon to taste to merge more flavors in our mouth ♥ I hope you enjoy this succulent post and make this delight Hivers, I send you virtual hugs and kisses.

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Coffee and chocolate is a great combination but...



This is a delicious and exquisite combination ♥


definitely looks like something yummy enough and easy to recreate to try this! 😃 thank you for sharing your recipe for this!


I loved it, especially the way you prepared the milk foam, my wife prepares it the same way and it looks great, I still don't know how to do it haha.


hahaha it's super simple the idea is to pour enough powdered milk, the more milk the more foam you will get, thanks for taking the time to read my post my friend.
