Grow instead of produce
As I mentioned in previous articles, in this region of the world we are closer to summer than one imagines and that significantly affects the production of buds.
Not only am I a person who likes to grow too many plants but I also don't like to set dates when it comes to having buds.
Seeing these types of events in which the plant chooses to continue growing instead of producing flowers does not depend on me. I can also alter or modify that state a little.
By this I mean that part of this event is due to my direction of placing the plant in that place instead of looking for another location with less sunlight reception.
In summary, so as not to be too specific or detailed, what is happening is that the plant is growing very noticeably and is almost my height, so something that I don't like to have in the back of my house is a beast and this is going to be another time the same case.
That's a beautiful plant bro, can't wait to see what she produces :D
me too, this plant is growing more than i was expected :D
your plant looks great! Mine are a little bit behind yours but, hopefully will produce some buds soon!
puedes esribirme en español cero drama por mi, en verano es super dificil esperar cogollo ya que les da muchas horas de luz solar.