DON'T GIVE UP LISETTE: Learn to lose - Watercolor project
Lisette enthusiastically starts her dance classes. She dress and practice at home, she only talks about dancers and steps that she wants to learn.
But Lisette is afraid of failure and hopes that everything will work out for her on the first try or She stop trying.
The first days are easy, but not so much later it is very difficult for the little girl to maintain a happy mood.
Other teammates advance better than her, but Lisette wants to be the best of all, she wants to stand out and be marked as the star.
Lisette is very discouraged and wants to leave, she knows that she is good but her heart is so sad that he deceives her into believing that she is a failure.
-Do not be sad, you are the best - her mother says kindly.
-Not so - Lisette answers hurt - There are many girls who dance better than me.
-You are the best for me - her mother makes a serious face - but don't be confused.
-I do not understand mom - says the girl - I am very sad.
-What I mean is that there is almost always someone who dances better, who cooks better, who sings better or until she is prettier. But that is not a cause of defeat. We were born to grow and learn, to improve ourselves. We are not always going to be the best at everything.
-I always want to win, mom- the girl answers.
-But you also have to learn to lose sometimes - refutes the mother.
-But if I'm not the best, nobody will love me - says the girl with tears in her eyes.
-Even if you lose sometimes I love you as you are, - says the mother gently wiping her tears - I just want you to have fun in everything you want to undertake.
Lisette smiled and nodded very happily now. Understanding a little more about life.
She got dressed to go to her dance classes, took her mom's hand and said
-Let's go?
See a little of the process of this illustration done in watercolors.
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Very cool post and drawing, Andrea. Nice job!