Garden Update



Hey fellow Garden Nerds! Back at you after 14 days since the last update, and things are looking about the same, with some decent growth. I have yet to put anything in the garden, only because I have been gone for the past 7 days visiting my Mom. While I was away we had some very nice weather. The heat wave the has been hitting the West has been brutal. But where I live it was hitting the mid, and high 70's. It is crazy because just 20 miles south it was hitting 100, and above! But it was still warm enough here to have my plants effected, especially since the person in charge of watering missed some days.

When I got back from my trip

After a good watering

When I got back

After a good watering

It really was not bad at all. Only a few Sunflower Seedlings died.

But that is ok because I threw in a handful of Sunflower Seeds in the Compost, and they are still sprouting!

So I planted to account for the ones that died, and then some. I am hoping to have Sunflower lined up, and down the side of the property this year. I really find it soothing to find seedlings in the Compost. Just something about digging around, and finding a little seed with roots bursting out. Then to see the Chlorophyll set in after sitting in the Sun for a few days. Have you ever started seeds in the Compost? I know it sounds weird, but as a last resort I have started to do my Germination this way, with great success!

The Yellow Watermelon really has taken off. I was one plant that was the less effected by the lack of water as well.

There is even a little Melon forming. Hopefully this one makes it, and does not fall off like the one last year.

Here is one of the Jack-O-Lanterns that was the least effected from the lack of water. In fact the pic on the top left was taken the day I got back. The leaves where still praying!

These are the fruit on the Big Max Pumpkins. As you can see such a big difference!

One has rotted off. I am not sure if it was the lack of water, or something else. Hopefully this is not a reoccurring issue.

The Garlic looked really rough too when I got back.

I may pull one up in the next few days to see how it looks. Maybe they are ready?

The Onions faired pretty well. But I have been having issues with these from the start, so TBH I was not to worried about them. One was lost, but the other 3 are still alive.

My lone Carrot did well, only due to the double cup. If I had not done that, it would of been a goner!

The flowers are looking great! I have been taking some new seedlings, and scattering them around the property. It would be cool to see these spread.

Another thing that is looking good as well, is my Compost! About damn time too. Not a big fan of the Tumbler. I think what I had before was so much more effective. Which is a yard waste basket, with holes drilled in it. I have a few of them, and just rotate the Compost every few weeks. With the Tumbler it is easier to mix the Compost, but I get big clumps of material, and it ends up going anaerobic. An issue I never have with the bins. I would love to hear the communities thoughts on Composting. What do you use? What techniques? What about the material? Since I am at work, I use shredded paper for my Carbon. Perhaps I can learn, and get better at this. So please fell free to drop a comment:)


3.291 NEOXAG


aha you do have a lot in your garden. I am planning to do the same once my house repair work will be over.

0.098 NEOXAG

Cool! What kind of repairs are you doing?

0.000 NEOXAG

Man that cover pic made it look extra dry lol, the plants are looking great, the pumpkins are getting a good size too :)

0.108 NEOXAG

LOL, yeah it can get pretty dry here. I need to lay down some hay

0.000 NEOXAG

I can imagine the lined up sunflowers, it would be so pretty!
We planted one watermelon and a couple of melons this year, I remember the excitement when I saw them forming and these past few days we even got to try some! :)

0.106 NEOXAG

That’s awesome! Last year I had sone melons pop up in my compost, and I thought they were watermelon. When they finished, they turned out to be a variety of squash! Lol

0.000 NEOXAG

Looking good man. I wish I could start a garden. We have been thinking about planting some berry vines along our fence line. I just dont know if the dogs will tear it up or not.

0.105 NEOXAG

Thanks! Yeah that is something to consider. It definitely would suck to get something going, only to have it ruined.

0.000 NEOXAG

I hope some people can answer your questions and guide you through composting. It's really hard to grow plants when the heat wave is unbearable but I know you can manage it. I learned a few weeks ago that it's better to plant our own vegetables because it's organic and safe rather than buying from the supermarkets where they already have chemicals in them.

0.000 NEOXAG