Planting Japanese papaya plants in the yard is very important for us for vegetables and other things


How are you all friends? I hope you are healthy and successful for all of us, especially for my friends who are always active with me in this community. I hope today we are more successful than the previous day. Of course today the weather is very cold, especially in the area. rainy season and the conditions are very pleasant for all of us, especially those who are always active with me here.

At this meeting I will show several pictures of Japanese papaya plants that I planted in my yard and Japanese papaya has many benefits, especially the leaves, for baby's health, from diabetes to anemia, this comes from its anti-diabetic properties.

Apart from being able to be used as a vegetable for consumption by the family, Japanese papaya leaves also contain a lot of ingredients in Japanese papaya leaves, which are quite high. Every 100 grams contain 6 of these proteins and can strengthen bones for all of us if we often consume Japanese papaya plants.

Japan's efforts are indeed currently in this area which is still quite rare and there are only one or two people who plant Japanese papaya because it is new to our area. For Japanese men it can also prevent anemia and the Japanese papaya leaves contain more iron than the dangers of containing The iron and taste are very delicious, not bitter unlike normal papaya leaves.

This is indeed very extraordinary and what I planted is very extraordinary and very fertile and has a very green impact because I planted it behind the house because behind my house there is a lot of organic fertilizer in the back of the house because even household waste I brought it to the back of the house near the Japanese papaya stem, so it was very fertile and I was very happy to see the Japanese papaya that I planted.

Japanese papaya does not have fruit, it only has flowers, unlike other papaya, Japanese papaya is very expensive in the market compared to ordinary papaya, and Japanese papaya leaves are also not the same as ordinary papaya, the leaves are a bit big, this is a bit small, the Japanese papaya can be made. various menus for our daily meals, especially for families.

That's all from me, a little discussion and benefits of Japanese papaya leaves. Hopefully it's useful for all of us here and see you again with me here with a different article, of course.

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You've got a wonderful garden and I can't agree more with you on the important and benefits of papaya to us and our wellbeing.

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