Major Rewards Come in Major Chests [ENG/BR]

I traded my precious GLINT for eight major chests and got a nice reward for it, not the potions or energy, but the cards, those were quite nice.

Tokatag Conscript is of the three my least favorite, not because it is the least rare, but because I don't see much use for it.

The second best is Dragon Egg Forager, which I might find some use for after it reaches level 3.

And lastly is Night Reaper, a bird-hating dragon card, and my second epic from the Rebellion set.

Eu troquei meu precioso GLINT por oito Major chests e recebi uma boa recompensa por isso, não as poçoes or energia, mas as cartas, esssas são bem legais.

Tokatag Conscript é dos tres a minha menos favorita, não por ser a meos rara, mas porque eu não vejo muito uso pra ela.

A segunda melhor é o Dragon Egg Forager, o qual eu posso achar algum uso quando ele chegar no level 3.

E por ultimo é o Night Reaper, uma carta dragão que odeia passaros, e é a minha segunda carta epica do set Rebbelion.


Tokatag Conscript is next to useless imo but you got two good cards. Dragon egg and Night Reaper. I mostly buy the rarity draws but maybe I'll try my luck on loot chests too. 😀




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