Sewing me! What motivated me to learn to sew.

Todos nacemos con algún don o talento, otros los vamos adquiriendo porque nos llama la atención uno u otro oficio, mientras que otros nos vemos obligados por así decirlo a aprender un oficio debido a las malas experiencias, como es mi caso.

Se puede decir que mi mayor talento es el tejido pues tejo desde que tengo uso de razón, según mis tíos me dicen que yo en vez de buscar una muñeca para jugar, buscaba hilo y aguja, y que aprendí a tejer más rápido que mi mamá, que es a quien iban a enseñar.

We are all born with some gift or talent, others we acquire them because we are attracted to one or another trade, while others we are forced so to speak to learn a trade due to bad experiences, as in my case.

It can be said that my greatest talent is knitting because I knit since I can remember, according to my uncles and aunts tell me that instead of looking for a doll to play with, I looked for thread and needle, and that I learned to knit faster than my mother, who was the one they were going to teach.

Happy Birthday GIF by Your Happy Workplace

Pero la costura no era mi fuerte, pues el solo hecho de cortar era mi un dilema, en preescolar eso de recortar figuras y pegarlas para crear un mosaico me aburría, yo preferí leer, sacar cuentas y demás, así que como verán aún hoy día cortar sin salirme de la línea es un desafío.

But sewing was not my forte, because the mere fact of cutting was a dilemma for me, in preschool that cutting out figures and gluing them to create a mosaic bored me, I preferred to read, do math and so on, so as you can see even today cutting without getting out of line is a challenge.

Fuente / Source

El primer motivo para aprender:

Todo comenzó cuando adolescente me costaba conseguir ropa, pues era de una talla intermedia a las normales, era tan delgada que las tallas juveniles había que cortarle y adaptarla a mi medida, por esta razón decidí decirla a una tía quien es modista y a quien yo le había servido de modelo en su desfile de graduación, que me confeccionara mi ropa al menos la de vestir, compré mi tela y al llevársela me dijo que como pago tendría que hacerlo con servicio, algo que me pareció muy bien pues así no descompletaría mi mesada, el día indicado acudía a su casa y realicé todas las labores concernientes, limpie baños, fregué, limpié piso y hasta le lave una ropa que tenía sucia, realice la almuerzo y le dejé todo impecable, al terminar el día le pregunto si ya podía medirme la ropa y me dijo hija si ni siquiera la he cortado, me sentí estafada, y sin poder decir nada por respeto me fui con mi rabia a mi casa. Les comento que dicho traje me lo entregó casi un mes después de la fecha en la que la necesita, y como si fuera poco se equivocó en las medidas y nunca lo pude lucir.

** The first reason to learn:**

It all started when I was a teenager it was hard to get clothes, because it was an intermediate size to normal, I was so thin that the youth sizes had to cut and adapt it to my size, for this reason I decided to tell an aunt who is a dressmaker and who I had served as a model in her graduation parade, that I made my clothes at least the dress, I bought my fabric and when I took it to her she told me that as payment I would have to do it with service, I bought my fabric and when I took it to her she told me that as payment I would have to do it with service, something that seemed very good to me because it would not decomplete my allowance, the day indicated I went to her house and did all the work involved, I cleaned bathrooms, mopped, cleaned the floor and even washed some clothes that were dirty, I made lunch and left everything spotless, at the end of the day I asked her if she could measure my clothes and she told me daughter if I have not even cut it, I felt cheated, and without being able to say anything out of respect I went home with my rage. I tell you that the suit was delivered to me almost a month after the date she needed it, and as if that were not enough, she made a mistake in the measurements and I could never wear it.

Segundo motivo

Luego ya de adulta tengo una amiga que es costurera desde niña y le ha cosido a muchas personas e incluso me confeccionó el vestido para mi matrimonio por la iglesia, después de ese vestido me confeccionó 1 vestido y 1 conjunto y ninguno lo pude usar, así que sin más decidí inscribirme en un curso de costura básica y comenzar desde cero, y realizar mis prendas de vestir sin derecho a enojarme por algún error.

Second reason.

Then as an adult I have a friend who has been a seamstress since she was a child and she has sewed for many people and she even made the dress for my marriage in church, after that dress she made me 1 dress and 1 outfit and I could not wear any of them, so I decided to enroll in a basic sewing course and start from scratch, and make my clothes without the right to get angry for any mistake.

No coso ajeno

Como les dije he estado aprendiendo para confeccionar mis propias prendas y no para coser a los demás, por lo general coso en el porche de mi casa para aprovechar la claridad natural del día, y cuando alguien me pregunta ¿Usted es costurera? Enseguida le digo no, yo coso solo para mí y mi familia pues si algo me sale mal toso queda entre familia.

Pues cierto día llegó a mi casa la mamá de un amiguito de mis sobrinos, para que le acomodara un pantalón a su hijo, ella lo compró dos tallas más grande y no quería que le cortaran, por lo que le sugerí hacerle lo que le hago a los pantalones de mis sobrinos, colocarle elástica en la pretina, en la parte de la espalda y doblar el ruedo estilo padrino, le mostré un pantalón de mi sobrino y ella aceptó, luego de unos días el niño imprudente me dijo: mi mamá dice que usted no sabe coser nada, porque el pantalón se lo llevó a otra persona que le cortó del largo y ahora si me queda bien, respiré profundo y solo le dije, que bien me alegro por ti; desde entonces para coserle ajeno debe ser de mucha confianza, pues ciertamente no soy costurera, solo coso para mí.

**I don't sew for others

As I told you I have been learning to make my own clothes and not to sew for others, I usually sew on the porch of my house to take advantage of the natural light of the day, and when someone asks me "Are you a seamstress? I immediately tell them no, I sew only for me and my family because if something goes wrong, it stays in the family.

Well, one day the mother of one of my nephews' friends came to my house, she wanted me to fit a pair of pants for her son, she bought it two sizes too big and didn't want them to be cut, so I suggested her to do what I do to my nephews' pants, put elastic in the waistband, in the back part and fold the hem godfather style, I showed her one of my nephew's pants and she accepted, after a few days the reckless boy told me: "my mom says you don't know how to sew, my mom says you don't know how to sew: my mom says that you do not know how to sew anything, because the pants took it to someone else who cut the length and now if it fits me well, I took a deep breath and just said, that good I'm happy for you; since then to sew him alien must be very confident, because certainly I am not a seamstress, I only sew for me.

Contenido original.
Fotos de mi álbum personal, pueden estar compartida en otras redes sociales, fueron editadas en Canvas.
Las imágenes fueron tomadas de Pexels en su versión gratuita, cuentan con su respectiva fuente.
Los banner fueron creados por mí en Canvas
La traducción fue a través de,Translator (versión gratuita).
Gif cortesía de Ecency

Original content.
Photos from my personal album, may be shared in other social networks, were edited in Canvas.
The images were taken from Pexels in its free version, they have their respective source.
The banners were created by me in Canvas.
The translation was done through,Translator (free version).
Gif courtesy of Ecency


What a nice inspiration but thank God are doing well in the sawing industry


Greetings dear, I have been learning little by little and I help whoever I can help.


Empece a coser por una razon similar, y realmente entiendo tu frustracion, cosi algunas veces para familiares y siempre digo que no soy experta en hacer ciertas cosas pero la gente insiste en que las haga yo, pues el resultado muchas veces no es del todo profesional, entonces si quieren un resultado profesional pues que paguen lo que se debe a quien hace esos trabajos, actualmente solo coso para mi por que no reniego.


Así es querida, tengo un primo que hoy día esta fuera del país pero antes siempre que compraba un pantalón me lo traía para que yo se lo ajustara, y decía que como yo nadie se los ajustaba, y bueno a él todo lo que yo le cosiera era una maravilla,


That was really not nice of the boy to come and tell you that. I would have been really angry to hear him say that.
Anyway, I understand why you sew for only you. You’re great with it too.


Greetings dear thank you for that empathy that you transmit in your message, certainly that guy made me rage that day, but it served as a learning experience for me not to give in to a request from someone who is not trustworthy, I thank you for reading and commenting, have a week full of blessings.


Ah, beautiful dear @gladymar1973 - I love hearing your sewing evolution story... and I like the idea of only sewing for ourselves; that is a very valid and right-full reason to sew! Happy day to you 😍


Greetings dear, I am pleased to know that you liked my story and even more that you share the idea of sewing only for yourself, you sew what you like, you can innovate in your own fashion, you save money and above all you are developing a talent, have a great week and thanks for reading and commenting.


Although I don't have any idea about cutting, I understand how stressful it must have been for you to start learning it. But it's good that now, you can do it for yourself. Now, you don't have to endure putting on clothes that are not to your satisfaction.


That's right dear, when we have something overweight is difficult to get clothes to your liking, sometimes the cost is not at all accessible, so do it yourself is the best solution, I wish you a great start of the week, and I thank you for reading and commenting.
