At night, the tailor bird sheltered in our trees!

At the end of the day, every animal wants a safe haven. Not only humans but also other creatures that exist seek a safe haven at night. This little bird is no exception. Especially a few days ago when I went out at night, I saw this little bird sitting on the branch of our small tree with the light of the electric bulb we had burning outside and the light of the mobile phone. It was sitting very low on a branch and when I saw it it was very quiet. I liked this scene so much that I photographed that moment.






Basically it is a small bird and is known as tailor bird. Because these birds use their skills and experience to build beautiful nests. But even though I got to see it on a branch that day and could have held it in my hand if I wanted to, I walked away with a few photographs instead because I thought it was too tired. It sat very quietly and occasionally looked at me but did not fly. So I just took a few photographs without disturbing it too much. But again it seemed to be a very small bird because the feathers of this bird seemed a little different from the full bird. Our tree is home to many different birds at night.

Our house is quite different from others because there is no noise. As we have many plants in our house, various birds roost in those plants at night. Also there are various birds staying in the house throughout the day and there are some birds in particular that eat the food given to our chickens. All these birds start chirping in the early morning and wake up early in the morning to the sound of chirping and chirping before dusk. At times these visuals are pretty good but honestly sometimes there are so many chirping sounds that the sounds become annoying. Anyway I liked what I saw so I took up photography.


La naturaleza es hermosa poder captar momentos de ella con una foto es algo muy bonito
