Wishful vs Pessimistic
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to reflect on how we border on the line of wishful optimism and pessimism quite frequently in the world we live in!
Wishful vs Pessimistic
I've been straddling the line on some things between wishful in how it will go, versus pessimistic about how it's going to be a disaster.
There are a lot of changes that are going on in the world that's for sure. A lot of those changes are wonderful. There are pretty insane advances in technology all over the place and it's really making things easy in some ways for us to live and enjoy our lives. At the same time, there are also horrendous advances in technology that are going to fucking decimate and enslave people like we've never seen before. This is where I fluctuate on a daily basis hahaha.
For this post specifically, I wanted to focus on Bitcoin itself. A lot of people have wishful thinking, myself included, that it is a new paradigm of money. It is a finite amount, although not really considering how it can then be divisible into Satoshi's and then divided more from there. That is what can kind of make it bullshit in terms of being a finite amount. Eventually the miners will be earning fractions of a bitcoin per block, though I know that isn't projected to happen for a long time.
This ability to create money out of nowhere is something that the contemporary governments rely on heavily. They use debt as a weapon, wielding it against people as a way to control them. If you are from America, the disgusting student debt fiasco is a clear example of this type of thing. There are also other forms of debt that this country and other countries use for industrializing countries. They give them services in exchange for portions of their economy. It's a pretty vicious cycle because it is formed in a way that the countries can't get out of that debt easily and that's by design.
With Bitcoin specifically, I am torn between it being this awesome financial paradigm that many people are thinking it will be, versus blockchain traceable money that will be used to shoe-horn in a CBDC that will also get tied into the horrendous social credit system that is pervasive in China and other communist countries. We know that is for sure the end-result the crazies that fancy themselves in power in the world are desiring. Whether or not they actually get it.. that's another thing entirely.
Bitcoin is something I am invested in, and want to invest in more but it's also one of those things that am I sure what I am doing is the right thing, or is it a foolish thing and I should focus somewhere else? Yes the "value" has gone up, but the currencies of the world have also gotten fucked so has it really gone up in realistic terms? It's hard to say..
I think some of the podcasts I'm listening to lately have influenced me on this type of topic. I don't love to listen to doomer shit all the time, but I do have to blend it in when I can so that I can stay abreast of the things that are going on in the world. That, I think, is a really important aspect of being a man. We shouldn't go nuts on everything but we definitely need to stay aware of lots of situations and try to do what we can to prepare ourselves to head in a specific direction if need be.
The fog that has encircled the proverbial town could be clearing, or it could be getting a hell of a lot thicker. The question is: which is it?
What about you, do you have these conflicting thoughts? Let me know in the comments!
-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated
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Perhaps, it's both lol. I definitely also tread this line every now and then, and sometimes spend more time than necessary pondering about it, trying to see it from different perspectives. There's a palpable fear that the ideals that Bitcoin stands for or aims to bring into this new financial paradigm will be hijacked by the general establishment and we will collectively more or less be in a financial situation that's a bit worse than the previous one we got roped into. But then when you look at all the smart people with good intentions building in this space, you're also validly hopeful that something incredibly positive can come out of it that makes the world a better place for the masses. But I will say what I'm a bit scared about is how AI agents are evolving and how things in this sector may turn out in the coming months, specifically those in crypto that are developing this AI agents like virtual io, ai16z etc.
Hmm, I get Michael Saylor's perspective where Bitcoin is the best asset in this entire world, but it doesn't mean I fully agree with him. My personal take on this is it's just another form of asset class, just like bonds, stocks, or even gold. It probably has a high risk/reward ratio, but it doesn't mean everyone's risk appetite can take it. It's the same reason why traditional portfolios have varying weights to bonds and equities, even if we know equities will always outperform bonds in the long run. Haha not sure if I am making sense.
Yes, I struggle with the same dualities. I think it's a human thing, to be balanced between two different realities. Even the path that the World conflicts are being taken is something that divides me in the same way. I want to believe that Peace will come over, but by the other hand, I don't see it a near destination...
About BTC, I still keep a automatic buying order of a fixed euro amount every week. I believe that BTC would be ground breaking when it would be more adopted globally. IMHO it would be like another asset, like gold or silver. Thank you for sharing your reflection with the comunity!
I never even thought of this government debt as a form of slavery but I see it now. I see why my country can't be debt free. I was thinking that the debts are alleviating to suffering of the masses