Crucial Chance Encounters
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to reflect on how some people come into our lives, and depart them, for very specific and life changing reasons!

Crucial Chance Encounters
Some things just happen for a reason!
The notion that some things happen for a reason is definitely something that my wife and I have really come to appreciate. Not the astral alignment star bullshit fairytale stuff, but just seemingly small things in life that happen and if we did something different, we wouldn't have been in the situation to experience what we did.
Recently my wife was trying to schedule an appointment to do laser treatment or something cosmetic related. Normal woman stuff. She didn't really feel well though, had a bad headache and just lethargic so she skipped the original place that she was going to visit and waited a few days until she felt better.
It was extremely timely that she did because the person she happened to have do her treatment went through similar things that we are going through with our son in terms of his educational challenges. It was meant to be that she cancelled the other appointment, and made this one is what we think happened!
I don't want to necessarily go into the educational challenges that we are going through, at least not yet because it's personal stuff that, looking back 10 or 15 years from now, I'm not sure if my son would love if I posted it on the chain. That's the thing about him getting older, and the changes I've made to social media posting since soon after he was born. I don't plaster his face and all the information about him all over the internet because if I was in his situation, I would want the same done for me. These are things that we have to contend with in the day that we live in, but that is a different topic for a different day.
The woman was great, she gave us a lot of advice for what to do based on her situation and provided some information if things we were seeing lined up. They certainly have! So now we have a decent understanding of the challenge that we are facing, but most importantly a path forward. I think the biggest challenge my wife was having with the whole thing was not really having a path forward besides going to all kinds of different appointments, consulting with this person and that person. It was really wearing on her psyche and I felt bad, but some of those things are important to go through.
These things have happened to us before. My wife was very sick several years ago and at wits end, so she decided to go for an acupuncture treatment at a place we hadn't been before. The woman at the acupuncture place asked my wife a few questions that nobody else had asked her before, namely did she have any silver fillings in her teeth/mouth? She absolutely did and then that led us down the path of discovering her issues were mercury poisoning. These chance encounters and situations are so random but it feels like they happen for a reason. People come into our lives for one specific purpose, fulfill the purpose and make their mark on us.
We have always had thoughts like that, my wife and I. The two people that we were respectively friends with before we met each other were in our lives for just enough time to introduce us. We hung out a few times, dated off and then on and those people left our lives to do their own thing. They were there for a short time to serve their purpose just like these other people we've met and have changed our lives.
We don't know what the future holds, but the important thing is that we remain open to seeing these opportunities as crucial life-turning events and we try to grab the bull by the horns when they do arrive. Each time we look back at really important events and turning points, we realize that the person came into our life very briefly, for a very specific reason to change the trajectory of our life. We make that change and have attempted to stay connected to the people but it has not worked out. That leads us to believe that people come and go for a reason, and we shouldn't try to alter that.
What about you, have you felt that you connect with certain people for specific reasons in your life? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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It's definitely interesting the people who come in and out of your lives. Sometimes just for a "season", but it ultimately helps you grow somehow.
Oh yeah for sure, the friend that ended up introducing me to my wife was a season. It came, flourished like it would in the summer, withered and died. I haven't talked to the dude in almost 10 years at this point lol.
Not my wife, but I had a similar experience with an ex.
In a funny way, this post, it reminds me of a song.
"Cause and effects, chain of events, all of this chaos makes perfect sense"
Actions cause Reactions.
"When your spinning round things come undone, welcome to earth third rock from the sun."
I love when things do that for you, it happens to me here and there!
How did you do with the hurricane, did you get any crazy rain or was it more north of you it was going on? I know you're in North Florida, didn't know if it affected you at all.
Floodblubblububblinggarblygasp... LoL
Two big trees downed. 2nd worst flooding we have seen here since 1995. Could have been much worse. Pictures pretty much say it all.
Toss a line out there you may catch a fish! Lol
Glad you are doing ok, flooding sucks but you’re not floated away at least.
Definitely! Chance encounters with people that come to our lives and impact it positively seems more than just serendipity. Sometimes, it unlocks a dataset that opens up new paths to take, which we never could've imagined before.
You're right about some people coming into our lives for some purposes. For me, I have people I wished I didn't bump into, looking at the damage the coincidence causes, sometimes the regret that still lives with me.
Of course most connections are just for specific moments or to help in achieving a purpose.
Every person you meet in your life is either a blessing, a lesson or a guide to the blessing or lesson....