Living like a film world and a structured routine | Vivir como en un mundo de película y una rutina estructurada LOH#228



In English

Greetings friends of the #LadiesofHive community, with the edition you bring us this week, where you invite us to reflect with the questions of our dear @priyanarc, here I leave you my participation:

1.- If you could live in the world of any film, which one would it be?

In my case, I like romantic films based on real events, I think an advantage of this type of film is that I can see real people in the stories, so if I can choose any film that I could live in it would be "Eat, Pray, Love".

In the story we see the adaptation of the autobiographical story by Elizabeth Gilbert, it reflects that trials are just an opportunity to improve things in your life. When the protagonist (played by Julia Roberts) at one point realised that she was not happy, she decided to leave everything behind and go on an enchanting journey.

If it has happened to you that your luck in love is not going the way you would like it to and that your life seems to be falling apart, then it is time to stop and analyse where you are and to make decisions that may hurt at first, but will surely be worth it over time. In the plot, Elizabeth discovers the pleasure of food, the balance between body and spirit and true love.

There she not only found the happiness she needed, but also met love in the form of Felipe (whose real-life name is José), played by Javier Bardem. It is a real test where love has given her a special touch and in particular, I like to believe so and not only in fictional stories.

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2.- Do you believe in having a structured routine or a more spontaneous approach to life?

I think that for some things, the automaticity in which we are immersed is valuable, as it decreases our stress, it gives us a better flow in life. However, in other situations we fall into the trap of discarding all our dreams. Then I can choose to surprise myself in a positive way and also surprise everyone around me, giving space to improvise new things.

For example, love is an energy, it is in our power to make it flow or to cut it off by not being able to do different things. To avoid routine is to look at the same territory with new eyes, to never stop dreaming, to take risks, to live instead of surviving.

Many times you have wanted to do something different, but you let yourself be seduced by the usual. And that's when the magic is lost, just to build up the routine. Particularly these days I have taken up walking outside, every other day, as a form of exercise. I believe that I can develop a new life every day, if I breathe deeply, inhale life and exhale what hinders me, what paralyses me and what doesn't add happiness to my life.

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3.- Do you have any morning or evening rituals that help you feel connected? What is one daily habit that you can't do without?

When I wake up and open my window, I look at the sun in front of me, I feel the energy passing by my face, I breathe, I take a bath and my ritual of taking care of my body, then while I drink my coffee, I nourish myself with a daily dose of spiritual food that I download on my phone, they are spiritual help topics, which is part of my habits to start my day with the best attitude. Then I put on a nice outfit and say to myself: ‘That's the woman I'm meant to be’.

Besides thanking God for giving me a new day and all the beautiful things I have around me, and I say to myself: I love my life and I love my daughter, my brothers and sisters, my family and I adore my parents who I know are the light that watches over me from above.

Time is gold, trying to prepare myself with what I will do in my day and set the space for it, like reading posts and creating content on Hive, remembering that what I have to put into it is myself, my knowledge, lifestyle, experiences and creativity.

Sometimes we think it is others and we are the ones who generate those reactions that lower our frequency. Keeping my vibrational frequency high and saying: all is well within me and my environment, this helps me to stay connected.

Don't try to solve problems with a single brush stroke, life is not like that and nothing is that easy, we have to work on making our life and our body something sacred, something that only you handle by choosing to live life fully and happily.

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Image Source.

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The designs and images in canva
The pictures in my gallery taken from my Honor Magic6 phone and edited in canva
Translated with (free version).


En Español

Saludos amigas de la comunidad #LadiesofHive, con la edición que nos traen esta semana, donde nos invitan a reflexionar con las preguntas de nuestra querida @priyanarc, aquí les dejo mi participación:

1.- Si pudieras vivir en el mundo de cualquier película, ¿cuál sería?

En mi caso, me gustan las películas románticas basadas en hechos reales, creo que una ventaja de este tipo de películas es que puedo ver a personas reales en las historias, entonces sí puedo escoger cualquier película que pudiera vivir en ella sería “Comer, Rezar y Amar”

En la historia vemos la adaptación del relato autobiográfico de Elizabeth Gilbert, refleja que las pruebas son solo una oportunidad para mejorar las cosas en tu vida. Cuando la protagonista (interpretada por Julia Roberts) en un momento entendió que no era feliz, decidió dejar todo y realizar un viaje encantador.

Si te ha pasado que la suerte en el amor no va como tú quisieras y que tu vida pareciera que se derriba, entonces es momento de detenerte y analizar dónde te encuentras y de tomar decisiones que a lo mejor al principio dolerán, pero que seguramente, con el paso del tiempo habrán valido la pena. En la trama, Elizabeth descubre el placer de la comida, el equilibrio entre cuerpo y espíritu y el amor verdadero.

Allí no solo encontró la felicidad que necesitaba, sino que además conoció el amor en forma de Felipe (cuyo nombre en la vida real es José), quien fue interpretado por Javier Bardem.
Es una prueba real donde el amor le ha dado un toque especial y en particular, así me gusta creerlo y no sólo en cuentos de ficción.

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2.- ¿Crees en tener una rutina estructurada o un enfoque más espontáneo ante la vida?

Pienso que para algunas cosas, la automaticidad en la que estamos inmersos es valiosa, ya que nos disminuye el estrés, nos proporciona un mejor fluir en la vida. Sin embargo, en otras situaciones caemos en la trampa de desechar todos nuestros sueños. Entonces puedo elegir sorprenderme en forma positiva y además sorprender a todos los seres que me rodean, dando espacio para improvisar cosas nuevas.

Por ejemplo, el amor es una energía, está en nosotros el poder de hacerla fluir o en cortarla por no ser capaces de hacer cosas diferentes. Evitar la rutina consiste en mirar con nuevos ojos el mismo territorio, en no dejar de soñar nunca, en arriesgarnos, en vivir y en lugar de sobrevivir.

Muchas veces has querido hacer algo diferente, pero te dejas seducir por lo de siempre. Y es cuando la magia se pierde, por construir únicamente la rutina. Particularmente estos días he retomado caminar fuera de la casa, un día por medio, como forma para ejercitarme. Creo que puedo desarrollar una nueva vida cada día, si respiro profundamente, inhalar vida y exhalar lo que me estorba, lo que me paraliza y lo que no suma felicidad a mi vida.

Living a film world and structured routine (4).jpg

3.- ¿Tienes algún ritual matutino o vespertino que te ayude a sentirte conectado? ¿Cuál es un hábito diario del que no puedes prescindir?

Cuando me levanto y abro mi ventana, miro el sol de frente, siento la energía que pasa por mí rostro, respiro, me doy un baño y mi ritual de cuidados a mi cuerpo, luego mientras tomo mi café, me nutro con una dosis diaria de alimento espiritual qué descargo en mi teléfono, son temas de ayuda espiritual, que forma parte de mis hábitos para iniciar mi día con la mejor actitud. Después me pongo una ropa bonita y me digo para mí misma: “Esa es la mujer que debo ser".

Además de dar las gracias a Dios por regalarme un nuevo día y todo lo bello que tengo a mi alrededor, y me digo a mi misma: quiero y amo mi vida y quiero a mi hija, hermanos, familia y adoro a mis padres que sé que son esa luz que me cuidan desde arriba.

El tiempo es oro, el intentar prepararme con lo que haré en mi día y establecer el espacio para ello, como leer publicaciones y crear contenido en Hive, recordar que lo que tengo que poner en ello es a mí misma, mi conocimiento, estilo de vida, experiencias y creatividad.

A veces pensamos que son los demás y somos nosotros quienes generamos esas reacciones que nos bajan la frecuencia. Mantener mi frecuencia vibratoria alta y decir: todo está bien dentro de mí y mi entorno, esto me ayuda a mantenerme en conexión.

No trates de solucionar los problemas con una sola pincelada, la vida no es así y nada es tan fácil, hay que trabajar en hacer de nuestra vida y de nuestro cuerpo algo sagrado, algo que sólo tú manejas optando por vivir la vida con plenitud y felicidad.

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Los diseños y las imágenes en Canva.
Las fotografías en mi galería tomadas de mi teléfono Honor Magic6 y editadas en canva
Traducido con (versión gratuita).

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3.626 NEOXAG


Las películas románticas también son de mis preferidas, está que has nombrado no la he visto, pero suena interesante, y si está inspirada en la vida real mejor, tus hábitos diarios me resultan muy necesarios, mirar el sol, cuidar nuestro cuerpo, agradecer a Dios, es primordial, siempre buscando lo que sea provechoso para vivir el día a día de la mejor manera.
Saludos 😊🌹

0.000 NEOXAG

Exactly, focus on always looking for what is of benefit in our day to day is as you say the first thing, and yes, the film is beautiful, thank you very much for your visit and comment, likewise greetings to you too,

0.000 NEOXAG

That's right, although material things are important, appreciating eating, praying and loving like the name of the film is really valuable, thank you for your visit and touching comment,

0.000 NEOXAG

I have never seen the movie, but might just watch it, if I can talk my husband into watching what he would call a 'chick flick'.

You seem very grounded and in a good place. I think what you do works very well. Thank you for sharing; take care and have a lovely day! !LADY

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you very much my dear @elizabethbit, you made me smile that it's a film chick flick, but yes, I like the romantic ones hahaha, thanks for your comment, receive my big hug from this corner of the planet,

0.000 NEOXAG

Hug received, my friend! Sending one back to you as well! Take care!🤗💜 !LUV

0.000 NEOXAG


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0.000 NEOXAG

La pelìcula que nombras es maravillosa para todas las personas que sentimos que falta algo en nuestras vidas.

En ella presentan a la mujer que tiene todo material pero no siente felicidad en sus dìas. Comienza su bùsqueda aunque si fue doloroso e incomprendida por muchos.

Excelente elecciòn.


0.000 NEOXAG

That's right, although material things are important, appreciating eating, praying and loving like the name of the film is really valuable, thank you for your visit and touching comment,

0.000 NEOXAG

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0.000 NEOXAG

Reading your well-written post and learning about how well-balanced your daily life is made me realize the lack of my day-to-day life. I guess I should start planning for a new routine...

I would love to watch the film you have mentioned, I like such movies where people find their true happiness at the end of life...

Thank you and have a nice weekend...

0.000 NEOXAG

I try to look for balance as much as possible, the movie is very nice, thank you very much to you my dear @priyanarc for bringing us those questions to reflect, I love them,

0.000 NEOXAG

Your perspective beautifully illustrates the delicate dance between structure and spontaneity in life, @cautiva-30. The way you frame routines as valuable for reducing stress and creating flow, yet recognize the importance of stepping away from the familiar to keep the magic alive, is deeply insightful. Life becomes richer when we leave space for surprises and moments of improvisation—there’s something liberating about looking at the same territory with fresh eyes.

Your morning rituals—opening the window to greet the sun, breathing deeply, taking care of yourself, and infusing your day with gratitude—are truly grounding. They not only set the tone for positivity but also serve as powerful affirmations of the person you are becoming. Declaring, “That’s the woman I’m meant to be,” is such an empowering way to start the day—it feels like a moment of alignment and intention.

The way you nurture your spiritual side, keeping your vibrational frequency high, and embracing gratitude for all aspects of life, speaks to an intentional and harmonious approach to living. Coupled with your creativity, personal growth, and the wisdom to let go of what no longer serves you, it feels like you’ve crafted a lifestyle that honors both your dreams and your present moment.

Your habits remind me of the concept that every day offers us a blank canvas, waiting to be painted with actions, thoughts, and choices that reflect who we truly are. Your reflections are already a treasure trove of inspiration.


0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you very much my dear sister @silversaver888, for those beautiful words of reflection that as always inspire us to draw as you say is that blank canvas, with actions, thoughts and decisions that reflect who we really are, receive my big hug from this corner of the planet,

0.000 NEOXAG