[ESP/ENG] Tasty Carbonara Pasta - Rica Pasta Carbonara
hello hive friend today I bring you this tasty homemade recipe. Please note that no cream is included!
Divina Carbonara...
hola amigo de hive hoy le traigo esta sabrosa receta hecha en casa ¡Tenga en cuenta que no se incluye crema!
Divina Carbonara..
Photo of my propierty
Making delicious carbonara
Haciendo deliciosa carbonara
Photo of my propierty
Prepare the bacon and cut it like this.
Prepara el cerdo y córtalo así.
Photo of my propierty
put the pork in a frying pan on the fire
ponemos la carne de cerdo en una sartén al fuego
Photo of my propierty
when the pork is cooked, turn off the cooker.
cuando este el cerdo cocido apaga la cocina
Photo of my propierty
The cheese must be grated on a grater (sheep's milk cheese).
El queso debe rallarse con un rallador (queso de leche de oveja).
Photo of my propierty
we place two eggs for one portion in a package
colocamos en un embacé dos huevo para una porción
Photo of my propierty
put cheese and pepper and then mix in
colocamos queso y pimienta para luego mezclar
Photo of my propierty
we mix it all together
lo mezclamos todo
Photo of my propierty
when the dough is ready, place it in a container and put the pork in it.
ya cuando la pasta esté lista la colocamos en un embace y colocamos el cerdo ya listo
Photo of my propierty
I put in the egg whip
Puse el batido de huevo
Photo of my propierty
We turn on the cooker and start cooking everything together.
the important point is
Add the egg sauce and stir over very low heat.
Scrambled eggs if cooked on too high a heat.
This should not be the case!
Mix with the mindset that the eggs are slightly cooked and the cheese is melted.
Photo of my propierty
ready we have our tasty dish friends
listo tenemos nuestro rico plato amigos
THe simplicity of this dish makes me want to cook it now. Can I use any type of bacon?
of course my friend any bacon
remember that pork has a unique flavour with a different presentation
Thank you for the response. Have a nice day ahead.