Hive Open Mic week # 155 - "Exáltate" cover by @josueelinfame


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Mis amigos de HIVE OPEN MIC quiero desearles lo mejor en esta semana # 155. El tema de esta semana es "ADN" y me ha parecido algo especial.

Honestamente cuando leí el tema no entendí, luego pensando me dije, que está en mi ADN y recordé. Mi familia paterna se han caracterizado por tener todos talentos en la música, unos cantan, otros entonan instrumentos y otras ambas cosas. Sin embargo, yo no nací con esos talentos.

My friends from HIVE OPEN MIC I want to wish you the best in this week # 155. This week's theme is "DNA" and I thought it was something special.

Honestly when I read the song I didn't understand, then thinking I told myself that it's in my DNA and I remembered. My paternal family have been characterized by having all talents in music, some sing, others sing instruments and others both. However, I was not born with those talents.


Cuando era joven comencé a asistir a la iglesia y era un fiel y devoto creyente, en mi iglesia tenían la costumbre que la persona que dirigía la reunión también canta las alabanzas. Yo siempre llegaba temprano, para que algún día me tomaran en cuenta y así fue. Me comenzaron a tomar en cuenta para dirigir y por ende cantar, sin embargo, yo cantaba horrible.

Creo que Dios de tanto ver que cantaba horrible, me mejoro la voz y comencé a cantar mejor. Siempre diré que mi capacidad para cantar me la dio Dios y siento que está en mi ADN cantarle cada que puedo. Por eso decidí cantar un tema de Marcos Barrientos llamado "Exáltate".
Él es el Señor de todo y merece toda la gloria.

Invito a todos a unirse a esta divertida semana. Adjunto link de la publicación, para que lean.

When I was young I began to attend church and I was a faithful and devout believer, in my church they had the custom that the person who led the meeting also sings the praises. I always arrived early, so that one day they would take me into account and that's how it was. They began to take me into account to direct and therefore sing, however, I sang horrible.

I think God from seeing so much that I sang horrible, my voice improved and I began to sing better. I will always say that my ability to sing was given to me by God and I feel that it is in my DNA to sing to him whenever I can. That's why I decided to sing a song by Marcos Barrientos called "Exáltate".
He is Lord of all and deserves all the glory.

I invite everyone to join this fun week. Attached link of the post, for you to read.



Al borde de tu gran trono

me postraré hoy a Ti,
Tú reinas sobre principados
sentado a la diestra de Dios.

Exáltate, oh gran Cordero,

Tú vives hoy -- y vivirás,
corónate con mi alabanza,
tu nombre es -- el Vencedor.

Al borde de tu gran trono

me postraré hoy a Ti,
Tú reinas sobre principados
sentado a la diestra de Dios.

Exáltate, oh gran Cordero,

Tú vives hoy -- y vivirás,
corónate con mi alabanza,
tu nombre es -- el Vencedor.

Exáltate, oh gran Cordero,
Tú vives hoy -- y vivirás,
corónate con mi alabanza,
tu nombre es -- el Vencedor.

Exáltate, oh gran Cordero,
Tú vives hoy -- y vivirás,
corónate con mi alabanza,
tu nombre es -- el Vencedor.
tu nombre es el vencedor
tu nombre es el vencedor


At the edge of your great throne

I will prostrate myself to You today,
You reign over principalities
seated at the right hand of God.

Exalt yourself, oh great Lamb,

You live today -- and you will live,
crown yourself with my praise,
your name is -- the Victor.

At the edge of your great throne

I will prostrate myself to You today,
You reign over principalities
seated at the right hand of God.

Exalt yourself, oh great Lamb,

You live today -- and you will live,
crown yourself with my praise,
your name is -- the Victor.

Exalt yourself, oh great Lamb,
You live today -- and you will live,
crown yourself with my praise,
your name is -- the Victor.

Exalt yourself, oh great Lamb,
You live today -- and you will live,
crown yourself with my praise,
your name is -- the Victor.
your name is the winner
your name is the winner

Video Original


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This is great friend. Actually, some people have some talents which they are born into. Some of us worked hard to get whatever we have. I am glad you had to work so hard to get to this level

Nice presentation friend. You rock!!


My friend, I really appreciate your comment. Thanks for listening and reading.


Seguramente estés destinado a cantar música cristiana, pero la verdad es que todo lo que cantas te queda espectacular. Muy buen post, muchos éxitos.


Como siempre una linda voz afinada querido amigo. Me gusto mucho tu trabajo!!!
