Even if money was not involved I will be Happy to Sing, Teach and To Do Photography😁😁✌️ - Ladies of hive contest 154


So its been long i got involved in the Ladiesofhive prompt of the week. So sorry about that.
Now i will be answering number 2
Which says:

What is your big dream for your life? If money were no object and you could do with your time whatever you wished, what would you do with it? What would you create ?

One of my biggest dream to go round the drawing men to my creator through songs.
So singing had always been my thing, singing is one thing i can do without getting tired. Yes i could sing and sing without getting exhausted, so far there are good men to mount the instrument (thats good instrumentalist), and moreso good sound system then you've gotten me.

Another thing i would love to do is to teach, of course i am a teacher already. I had always had this passion way back but i didn't know how to go about it, thanks to my mom who helped me discover.
Even money were not involved i would teach , it majes me happy, oh! Yes it keeps me going.

Another thing i would love doing is photography, over the years i have been using my Android phone to create beautiful pictures of myself, people, animals, plant and nature as a whole. It had always been a wonderful experience.
I remember when taking this pictures people would just be looking at me, especially if i am taking at odd places and they will be wondering what i want to do worh them😁😁, but at the end it always something people would love.

Some of the photos taken and edited with my phone πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

I am
A teacher, a writer, a photographer and a singer✌️✌️😁😁😍


@sagarkothari88 reward 0.05 HP


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