The Importance of Networking in Businesses

“I like to define networking as cultivating mutually beneficial, give-and-take, win-win relationships… The end result may be to develop a large and diverse group of people who will gladly and continually refer a lot of business to us, while we do the same for them.”–Bob Burg


One of the challenges business owners experience is getting a loyal customer base. Your business is nothing without your customers, they are like the pendulum that will sustain your business and triggers growth and profit. One of the common ways to augment a dedicated and lasting costumer base is by building TRUST with these customers.

The whole aim of this article is to educate you on how to grow your network and convert those established networks and connections into your potential Customers.
As a business personnel, don’t be dogmatic with the notion that you are unsusceptible to challenges, mistakes and obstacles….these things are inevitable. In order to be able to grow your network successfully, you must reach out and seek for advice from experienced people and not just any ordinary person.

Talking to people who have alot of experiences in your line of work is like a catalyst that will trigger a tremedous growth in your network base. Because this way you won’t go through all the mistakes they made to get to where they are urgently are.


Networking isn’t how many people you know, it’s how many people know you == Amit Kalantri,

Most atimes its not always what you know but who you know. For some reasons, the level of success your business will attend depends on your networkbase. You must network effectively to achieve your goals.
Leave your comfort zone, go out and advertise yourself and business. Use posters, stickers, cards, social media other channels, remember a closed mouth is a closed destiny. No one will know about your expertise skills, untill they are told. Attend conferences, outreaches and seminars. Network and connect with people, you have no idea who might be your ticket to elevation.

Top tycoons have a valueable and large networkbase that was not created in one day. It was created and groomed over time and was maintained through alot of resources and efforts. These tycoons are well vested with the importance of networking and its role in triggering growth..

Whats do the tycoons do?


These tycoons leaverage others to help them attain certain levels of success. They use people’s ideas, skills, technical-know-how, capital, resources and even money to their advantage to achieve goals. They use these strategies as key booster for their success. You must learn from them.

“It’s all about people. It’s about networking and being nice to people and not burning any bridges.” –Mike Davidson

Value and treat everyone you meet as a potential customer, whether they need your service at that time or not. Be aware and identify the key factors that affects the value of your network, then seek out strategies to expand and maintain this networkbase.

Factors That Influences Your Network

  • Size
    The larger your network, the more oportunities are likely to flow in and the more value it produces

  • Quality
    Its not always about the quantity but the quality. These questions should explain the point.
    How valueable is your network?
    Who and who make up the network? what help can they offer you?
    Can they assist you to cross mountains and seas?
    If a greater part of your answers are not impressing, then you must find an effective way to increase the value of your network because if the value is low then its not a good news at all. If the quality is maintained, you will have customers flowing in and out in search of your skills becaus of the constant referals made by your regular and trusted customers. It all depends on how you play your cards, its all about strategy.

  • Updates
    Whats the recency of your networkbase, how strong is it? It is highly imperative that you keep in constant touch with your network or it will degrade in quality and in size. keep a strong tie with them so you don’t loose them under your nose.

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