contest 170/ growing out of control, a key word


saludos amigas en este nuevo año,hablar sobre el control,es muy amplio y abarcador,creo que como seres humanos siempre tratamos de tener el control dela vida en general.


Porque cuando tenemos el control sobre todas las cosas o situaciones, estamos previendo ante algún peligro,pero claro esta con los años los tipos de controles van cambiando también,porque al menos las madres nos gusta tener el control sobre los hijos ,en fin sobre la familia en sentido general,tener el control nos da seguridad,tranquilidad pero cuando no es así,nos invade los sentimientos de dudas e inseguridades.

Sin embargo la madurez al menos me ha permitido crear y adaptarme a las grandes situaciones donde no he podido mantener el control,es difícil,realmente muy difícil soltar el control de las situaciones pero a veces es muy necesarias,porque debemos de realizar todo aquello que nos permita crecer como individuos.


la vida te pone a veces en situaciones donde crees que estallaras porque notas que vas perdiendo el control de la situación ,es cuando mas debes

_de tomar la calma,hacer ejercicios respiratorios seguidos
_conocerte sobre todo tus miedos,y controlarlos
_tratar de desconectarte del mundo y solo centrarte en la situación real
_buscar alternativas en tu mente que sean siempre de forma positiva
_lleva tus pensamientos hacia un momento agradable en tu vida

Sin embargo antes quería controlarlo todo, ahora con la adultez,ya dejo algunas cosas fuera de ese querer bien intencionado de controlar,disfruto mas de mis emociones y las sorpresas de la vida que en muchos casos no son buenas pero que cuando las analizo algo bueno siempre trae en su final.


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Greetings friends in this new year, talk about control, is very broad and comprehensive, I think as human beings always try to have control over life in general.


Because when we have control over all things or situations, we are anticipating any danger, but of course with the years the types of controls are also changing, because at least the mothers we like to have control over the children, in order on the family in general sense, having control gives us security, tranquility but when it is not so, we are invaded by feelings of doubt and insecurity.

However, maturity has at least allowed me to create and adapt to great situations where I have not been able to maintain control, it is difficult, really very difficult to let go of control of situations but sometimes it is very necessary, because we must do everything that allows us to grow as individuals.

Life sometimes puts you in situations where you think you will explode because you notice that you are losing control of the situation, that is when you have to take calm, do exercises, do exercises that allow us to grow as individuals.

_Take it easy, do breathing exercises in a row.
_Know your fears, especially your fears, and control them.
_Try to disconnect from the world and just focus on the real situation.
_look for alternatives in your mind that are always in a positive way
bring your thoughts to a pleasant moment in your life.


However, before I wanted to control everything, now with adulthood, I leave some things out of this well intentioned desire to control, I enjoy more my emotions and the surprises of life that in many cases are not good but when I analyze them something good always comes at the end.



No doubt that maturity comes by the way of experience. We all have an ideal sense of order how things should be ordered around us and insecurity is threatened when that picture of our order becomes disturbed. Life does tend to get more complicated and unpredictable as it goes on, we need to pick our battles then take it one step at a time. Don't forget to celebrate the little victories.


thank you in that I am fighting daily battles and celebrating a little at a timethank you again.


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The same is true my dear @zorili91, we are learning to accept people, facts and other situations that arise and that you are aware that you can not influence, acceptance leads to empathy to forgiveness and in the end we will be better people. 😘😘❤️
Así mismo es mi querida @zorili91, vamos aprendiendo a aceptar a las personas, los hechos y demás situaciones que se presentan y que estas conscientes que no puedes influir, la aceptación nos lleva a la empatía al perdón y al final seremos mejores personas.😘😘❤️
