Yurlenis.... so I will remember you, we will not forget you.
My daughters' friends also feel like my daughters and so did Yurlenis.
I will tell them and maybe this way I can unburden myself, relieve the pain I feel. Yurlenis I met him when I played volleyball together with my daughter since 2014 or so, maybe it will not be a long time but for me as they were more.
I was like the mom of the whole team because I was the mom who always accompanied my daughter to her practices, games, trips, more than another mom, but the Yurlenis I never saw her, it was because she grew up with her dad, but with the situation of the country, this was in the need to emigrate as many parents have done.
She was left in the care of her maternal grandmother, because her mother since she was very young Yurlenis did not take care of her, it is sad that a mother can do that. She kept in touch with my daughter, she was one of her best friends.
But when my daughter's classes, who is a little older than her, were different, they did not see each other much but they did see each other through the networks, maybe because of that lack of maternal love, the father left, he started to go out, let's say, to take to the streets, to go out with people he should not have, to meet people who were not all right, until she got pregnant, at least she did not follow her mother's example of abandoning her son. She even brought him home a few times.
She would go out with my daughter, she would call her to go out, to come to the house, but little by little she moved away, but my daughter would follow her through the networks, until one day she told her that she blocked her, my daughter felt bad about that, when she had not done anything to her, who would know now who those new friends would be and how they were advising her.
A few days ago, on Wednesday, March 19, her grandmother arrived at my house, a person who did not know her, that is, her mother's family did not know her, but my daughter did, she asked for my daughter, I told her that she was not at home, because since February 28 she had been in El Dorado on vacation.
The lady told me that her granddaughter had left on Monday night, like other times, but had not returned yet and they did not know anything because they called her and nothing, I as a mother and thinking I told her that she should file a missing persons report, they left and gave me her number to call her back. I wrote to my daughter to tell her and to keep an eye out in case she knew anything.
I spent this day of uncertainty and anguish, of not knowing about her, I think it is something that happens to all mothers when their children go out, whether they are girls or boys, I spent the night restless and more with the energy that was going out all the time until the early hours of the morning that took me to Transnocho, at 9 am on Thursday, March 20, my daughter called me, They were so cruel with them that they even burned her as not to leave traces, but they still managed to identify that it was her, that for sure the same day she left at night they did that to her, because the body was already in bad shape and the animals had already done their thing, that was what I learned later from the news.
Death is something natural, it is a process of life, but not in this way as with rage against this girl, who was not well oriented, but she was not a bad person and besides she was already a mother, a child who is now left without the love of her mother.
This news has given me so hard, I can not conceive how there can be so bad people, without compassion, against a defenseless person, a girl, how can they sleep so quietly, with this crime on top.
I only pray to God that she did not suffer, that her death was quick, that her soul is free of sins, that she is now an angel for her son. As well as that his case is not left unsolved and is not one more of those cases where the culprits are not found.
The photos are my property from my files from when they played volleyball, I was still a child, with a great innocence.
Cover edited in Canva
Translation with application DeepL.