Life is beautiful to be lived with RESENTMENT
Hello beehive, the year has started to run, February has already reached us, so let's get ready, but let's not be resentful to January, for all that it may have done to us or because it left us hurt hehehehehe.
This month's theme is about RESENTMENT, it is a negative, ugly, hateful feeling, or maybe it is a relative of the feelings: hate, anger, bitterness, because who has resentment has all those I said and others.
There are many forms of resentment:
Family resentment: this is often seen between siblings accompanied by jealousy, because the parents have preferences of a son to another, then the brother apart, begins to harbor in his mind and heart that ugly resentment that many times he keeps it aliementandose of rage, or does not hide it and shouts it to the parents or does evil things to his brother.
Workplace resentment: this happens in the workplace between colleagues or from colleagues to their superiors, because there are people within a company are not taken into account for promotions within the same because they have years of experience, but some newer ones arrive and the job is given to them, creating resentment and a cold work environment.
Social Resentment: this could be considered one of the most serious, because life revolves largely within a large society, these may be influenced now with social networks, because they transmit unhealthy ideas, they are seen to write with hate or others try to make many do so. Or how to live within a society (the neighbors), who are envious of you if you do or have something different from others. This has generated serious conflicts, even physical.
Student resentment: this can be witnessed among older students from high school to university, with their classmates and teachers.
Resentment between couples: This is earned as the prize that is accompanied by jealousy, as when a couple separates, it keeps resentment, resentment to his ex and his new partner.
I don't believe that any person has ever in their life had or lived an episode of resentment, because even with their thoughts they have done it.
From my personal experience, I could be a resentful person, because my husband left the house, if he cheated on me he left with another typical person, but why do I keep resentment if I have something nice like my children, I had my job, my own house, so because my husband left, father of my children I would keep resentment, nothing to do, I would like to keep the money but I can not and I am not resentful about it ha ha ha.
My children with them I am happy that there is no entry for resentment.
So me living and what, it will be bad living resentful and others living it happy, that can also make me sick with sadness, hatred, mental, and I do not infect my children of that feeling. I have not spoken badly to my children about their father either, time will tell and they will see what feelings they will have in their hearts, but as long as I am with them our feelings will be different and resentment is not in them.
Because there is the one who suffers resentment, as well as the one who provokes it.
I extend a cordial invitation to : @purrix @antoniarhuiz @belkisa758
Link of the same:
Used translator: DeepL
Photos edited in: PowerPoint
Own photos taken with Sony camera and Samsung A12 cell phone.
Thank you for the invitation. Your children are beautiful.
Hola @zhanavic69 🌸
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Super si esoe s estimulante y anima para seguir y seguire je je..
Con el apoyo de la familia.
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Excelent post.
Apoyo gracias al #toptre de @topfivefamily
Resentment is one of the hardest feelings because also to live with it is to choose the path of bitterness. Thanks for your post.
Hello friend that's how resentment embitters a person and wants to embitter the lives of others.
Now I have to look for an interpreter to chat with this respectable Bolivarian oriental lady.
Beautiful article much appreciated!
Regards my dear friend @zhanavic69
Ahora tengo que buscar un interprete para chatear con esta respetable dama oriental bolivariana.
Hermoso artículo muy apreciado!
Saludos mi apreciada amiga @zhanavic69
En apoyo al #toptres de @topfivefamily
jejejeje busqueme en telegram si lo tiene estoy igual aqui zhanavic69 ya esa es mi firma personal por no decir la mas famosa ja a
Yo lo decía porque el artículo está en ingles!
Ahhhh 😄😄😄😄