Daily Blog: Jueves 24/08/24: Con mi mama al medico y de compritas...Esp-Eng


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Hola amigos de esta comunidad, donde contar esos dias nuestros ya es rutina y estamos en confianza, como quw si nos conocieramos realmente.

Mi mama vive distante de mi, por su edad, pero mas por sus estados de salud no puede salir sola, asi que cuando tiene que ir a consultas medicas o de compras yo le acompaño, mas cuando es todo en un mismo dia como este, que fuimos al medico y luego de compras, asi que fue un dia muy activo.

Si luego de despertar, dar gracias a Dios, me asee, prepare el desayuno para mi hijo que se lo dejo listo, el queda en la casa solo, mi hija anda en otra ciudad de trabajo ya que esta de vacaciones, desayune, me vesti y sali a la parada.


Por la suerte que paso un carrito por puesto me sirvio para llegar mas rapido y asi anotaba a mi mama ya que es por orden de llegada, que tambien tuve suerte que llegue y la anote de primera, las demas pacientes iban con otro doctor que es hijo de con quien mi mama iba, que es Ginecologo, fue mas que todo por motivos de chequearse, para prevenir.



Cuando llego ella porque de su casa ella puede venir sola, ya que el transporte el bus la deja frente a la clinica pero para lo demas no, ademas es bueno escuchar lo que dice el doctor tambien.

Luego de que mi mama le dijo porque venia, el tambien preguntaba y pasaron a la revision medica, le hizo varios ecos, le dijo que estaba muy bien internamente, todo acorde a su edad y a su condicion de salud que presenta, pero le mando a hacer unos examenes de rutina nada mas.



Cuando termino de la reivision nos despedimos, fuimos a llevar la muestra de citologia, que el doctor dijo que luego los resultados se los mandara por WhatsApp, mejor imposible, por aquí mision cumplida, ahora ibamos a las compras.

Las compras fueron variadas, desde comprar carnes, medicinas, hortalizas, viveres, asi que ibamos de un comercio a otro, en unas pagaba con su tarjeta y en otras con biopago, claro ibamos al ritmo de ella, poco a poco, con calma, en eso me gane un premio de tener paciencia, por eso ella me dice a mi que la acompañe a los demas no ja ja ja.




Salir con mi mama no importa lo que se tarde, me place salir con ella, pasar los momentos que se pueda con ella, porque como no nos vemos muy a menudo, solo hablamos por telefono, entonces salir con ella es para mi una alegria, asi quede agotada ja ja, bueno terminada ya las compras y todo, la llevo a la parada, espero un carrito que la lleve hasta la casa, le doy para que pague y nos despedimos, hasta otra salida de estas, o que yo vaya a su casa o ella venga a la mia.

Las fotos las tome con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

Contenido Original traducido con la app DeepL.

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Hello friends of this community, where telling about our days is already routine and we are in confidence, as if we really knew each other.

My mother lives far away from me, because of her age, but more because of her health conditions she can't go out alone, so when she has to go to medical appointments or shopping I go with her, especially when it is all in one day like this one, we went to the doctor and then shopping, so it was a very active day.

Yes, after waking up, thank God, I washed myself, prepared breakfast for my son who left it ready, he is at home alone, my daughter is in another city for work since she is on vacation, I had breakfast, got dressed and went out to the bus stop.


I was lucky that a trolley was passing by, it helped me to get there faster and I was able to register my mom, since it is first come first served, I was also lucky that I arrived and registered her first, the other patients went with another doctor who is the son of the one my mom was going with, who is a gynecologist, it was more for check up reasons, to prevent.



When she arrived because she can come alone from her house, since the bus leaves her in front of the clinic but not for the rest, besides it is good to listen to what the doctor says too.

After my mom told him why she came, he also asked and they went to the medical examination, he made several echoes, he told her that she was very well internally, all according to her age and her health condition, but he sent her to do some routine tests nothing more.



When the examination was over we said goodbye, we went to take the cytology sample, the doctor said that he would send the results by WhatsApp, better than that, so mission accomplished, now we went shopping.

The shopping was varied, from buying meats, medicines, vegetables, groceries, so we went from one store to another, in some she paid with her card and in others with biopago, of course we went at her pace, little by little, calmly, in that I won a prize for having patience, so she tells me to accompany her to the others ha ha ha ha.




Going out with my mom no matter how long it takes, it pleases me to go out with her, spend as much time as possible with her, because we don't see each other very often, we only talk on the phone, so going out with her is a joy for me, even if I'm exhausted ha ha ha, well, once the shopping is done and everything, I take her to the bus stop, I wait for a cart to take her to the house, I give her to pay and we say goodbye, until another of these outings, or I go to her house or she comes to mine.

The pictures were taken with my Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

Original content translated with the app DeepL.

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