Daily Blog: 26/09/24: De nuevo a Puerto Ordaz con mi mama.


Mi mama llego a mi casa el miercoles 25 de septiembre para ir este dia jueves 26 a un estudio y consulta oftalmologica de ella, en Puerto Ordaz.

Asi que madrugue para preparar todo lo que llevariamos el desayuno para todos, ya que mi mama se iria conmigo desde mi casa y mi hermano luego nos alcanzaria.

Salimos de casa a eso de las 5:15 de la mañana bien oscuro porque el bus pasaba a las 5:30 a.m., para quedarnos en el terminal de pasajero, tratar de agarrar el primer bus que sale hacia alla.


Llego el bus, nos fuimos, nos quedamos en el terminal ya estaba clarito, llegue a la oficina pero habia un papel que decia que estaban en el anden, para alla nos fuimos con suerte que encontramos puestos juntas, ya el bus estaba casi lleno y ellos salen a las 6:30 a.m., son puntuales, nos fuimos.


Como madrugamos las dos, dormimos un rato en el bus hasta que llegamos al peaje, es un viaje corto como de una hora, ya luego nos quedamos en Unare, donde nos esperaba mi hermano, nos llevo hasta el lugar donde mi mama se le haria el estudio que ya estaba la cita programada.


No era tan lejos, asi que nos fuimos caminando, al llegar aun no abrian, esperamos unos minutos afuera, hasta que dieron paso, mi mama según el orden de llegada era la numero 5, en ese mismo orden luego fueron llamando para lo del pago, mi hermano lo hizo, el mismo salio en 113.00 $, que entre mis hermanos y yo que somos 5, reunimos para pagar.


Luego habia que esperar que llamaran para pasar y hacer el examen, cuando le toco mi hermano le acompaño, yo espere en la salita, trajeron café que rico, aproveche de recargar el celular.


Cuando ya regresaron ellos, esperamos los resultados que los entregan en un cd, para ahora llevarlo a la consulta con la doctora, en otro consultorio, asi que salimos y nos fuimos a la parada, poco a poco.

Asi como en las novelas ya llegamos al otro consultorio, esperamos en el pasillo, asi que aquí desayunamos, mi mama dijo que tenia hambre, desayunamos todos, de nuevo mi hermano paso con ella, la vez pasada fui yo.


Yo me quede en el pasillo, viendo mi celular, jugaba tambien, hablaba con mi hija, ya he venido otras veces aquí este lugar es bonita su estructura interna, la mayoria de los edificios son digamos como mas altos, pero este no, es mas bien a lo ancho y su parte interior tambien es diferente, quien hizo el diseño, se lucio.


Cuando salieron mi mama y hermano, el me dijo que ya en la noche por el whatsapp en grupo hablariamos sobre lo que viene ahora con nuestra mama, nos despedimos ahi, el se quedaba, nosotras al terminal a tomar el bus de regreso a Ciudad Bolivar.

Ya en el terminal ya estaba un bus cargando pasajeros, era uno grande, asientos comodos y con aire, por lo menos, lo malo de ahi siempre es que ahi, siempre nos tardamos en salir, porque hasta que no llene el bus no sale, tardamos una hora en salir, pero como dije era comodo, no como una vez que tambien fue asi, pero teniamos calor.


Al llegar a la pasarela le pedi el favor al chofer del bus que nos dejara ahi, ya que nos queda mas cerca para que mi mama fuera a su casa, que se iba a quedar de una vez y no en mi casa, le acompañe a que se fuera en una moto taxi, si asi mismo mi mama de 76 años, usa moto taxi ahsta su casa ya que una no mucho transporte y hasta su casa menos.


Ya se fue ella, me tocaba esperar mi bus para llegar hasta la mia, que tarde mas en llegar a mi casa dentro de la misma ciudad, que el viaje de Puerto Ordaz a Ciudad Bolivar.

Ahora toca esperar, organizarnos, reunir de nuevo para la intervencion ocular de mama. Todo sea en favor de la salud de mi mama, en nombre de Dios que todo saldra bien.

Mi contenido propio y original.

Portada editada en Canva.

Fotos propias tomadas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A12.

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My mom arrived at my house on Wednesday September 25th to go to an ophthalmologic study and consultation of her, in Puerto Ordaz, on Thursday 26th.

So I got up early to prepare everything for breakfast for all of us, since my mom would be going with me from my house and my brother would catch up with us later.

We left home at about 5:15 in the morning very dark because the bus was leaving at 5:30 a.m., to stay at the passenger terminal, trying to catch the first bus going there.


The bus arrived, we left, we stayed at the terminal and it was clear, I arrived at the office but there was a paper that said they were on the platform, we went there with luck we found seats together, and the bus was almost full and they leave at 6:30 a.m., they are punctual, we left.

As we both got up early, we slept for a while on the bus until we arrived at the toll, it is a short trip of about an hour, and then we stayed in Unare, where my brother was waiting for us, he took us to the place where my mom would have the study that was already scheduled appointment.

It was not so far, so we walked, when we arrived they were still not open, we waited a few minutes outside, until they gave way, my mom according to the order of arrival was number 5, in that same order then they were calling for the payment, my brother did it, the same came out at $ 113.00, that between my brothers and I that we are 5, we gathered to pay.


Then we had to wait for them to call to pass and do the exam, when it was his turn my brother went with him, I waited in the lounge, they brought coffee, it was delicious, I took the opportunity to recharge my cell phone.


When they returned, we waited for the results to be delivered on a CD, to now take him to the doctor's office, in another office, so we left and went to the bus stop, little by little.

Just like in the soap operas we arrived at the other office, we waited in the hallway, so here we had breakfast, my mom said she was hungry, we all had breakfast, again my brother went with her, last time I went with her.


I stayed in the corridor, looking at my cell phone, I was playing too, I was talking with my daughter, I have come here before, this place is beautiful its internal structure, most of the buildings are like taller, but this one is not, it is rather wide and its interior is also different, who made the design, they did a great job.


When my mom and brother left, he told me that in the evening by whatsapp in group we would talk about what is coming now with our mom, we said goodbye there, he stayed, we went to the terminal to take the bus back to Ciudad Bolivar.

Already in the terminal was already a bus loading passengers, it was a big one, comfortable seats and with air, at least, the bad thing about there is that there, we are always late to leave, because until it does not fill the bus does not leave, it took us an hour to leave, but as I said it was comfortable, not like once that was also like that, but we were hot.


When we arrived at the footbridge I asked the bus driver to leave us there, since it is closer for my mother to go home, she was going to stay there and not at my house, I accompanied her to go in a motorcycle cab, even my 76 year old mother, she uses a motorcycle cab to her house since she doesn't have much transportation and even less to her house.


She left, I had to wait for my bus to get to mine, which took longer to get to my house in the same city, than the trip from Puerto Ordaz to Ciudad Bolivar.

Now it is time to wait, to organize ourselves, to get together again for my mother's eye surgery. Everything is in favor of my mother's health, in the name of God that everything will go well.

My own and original content.

Cover edited in Canva.

Own photos taken with my Samsung Galaxy A12 cell phone.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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