Sleeping bag puppy

Somebody absolutely loves his sleeping bag....


Such an amazing pupper dog and he really Love's snuggling up and staying warm.

For those times where he is really cold I make sure to wrap him up.

Since he can't sleep next to me tonight he definitely has to have his spot and it has to be a very comfortable spot to.

So I made sure to wrap him up and get him snuggled for the evening.

He's actually really good about it and we'll stay inside the sleeping bag until morning. usually I'll get up and he's already snuck off to go potty.

And most of the time he's sitting back on top of his bed waiting. Yes that's right he usually is waiting for me.

I take that back he's always waiting for me especially if he can't see me.

This is an amazing puppy that I absolutely love.


Posted via | The City of Neoxian
