Hive Naija Weekly .... pizza is Overhyped



There are numerous foods in the world, and we have tried so many, both foreign and local. Among these foods, there are some we ate out of curiosity or because of the hype but were left disappointed after trying. Tell us about the food you think is overhyped and why you do not like it.

When it comes to food, I am a good foodie. A proud one, I do not hide it. Even on first dates because I want you to know the kind of person I am and decide if you will go along with me. And because of the foodie person that I am, I have tried so many types of food in Nigeria and discovered that I like some, love some and hate some but there is one food I ate out of curiosity and pressure from the hype given to it on Facebook and X formerly Twitter and I did not like it. The truth is I was so disappointed because it's just like the case of strawberry, beautiful on the outside but bland in taste on the inside. Just a beautiful nonsense. That food is Pizza.
Seriously, the hype around this food is much. Like, everybody is going crazy about pizza. You will hear of how the ordered pizza at a party. Talking about it like it is the best thing in the world. But like I said in the beginning, it is just an overrated dry bread with sweet tomato toppings that made me want to vomit on the first day I ate it.
I remember the first time I ate pizza. That was on my birthday, and because of that hype I told myself that I'll eat pizza. All of my friends were like "You have to try pizza! Its the best!So, I thought it would be nice to try something new on my birthday. But girl, was I wrong.
Just my first bite I discovered that I had wasted money buying it. It was just like dry hard bread garnished with sweet tomato paste. Like how can a tomato topping be too sweet. It was just tasting like dry sand and sugar, then with cheese that was too stretchy like okra. It just did not work for me.
But all my friends there with me were just enjoying it. Rushing it like it was sweet. Maybe it was sweet to them but to me it was not. I just forced myself and ate a few more bites so that my money would not be wasted. But the more I ate the more I told myself that I will not order pizza again. Let me stick to shawarma instead.
Maybe it was from the fast food I ordered it from. Maybe their pizza is not always nice. But the fact remains that the first impression I got from eating pizza was ruined with that one. That today when I hear people praise pizza I cringe. How can you love that wholesome nonsense?
I am not trying to spoil anybody's favourite meal. If you have not tasted it and you want to try it, please go ahead and try it. Maybe you will like it like so many people do. But if youre like me and dont get the hype, dont feel bad. Everyone has their own tastes, and its okay not to like something that everyone else seems to love.
I believe food should be about enjoyment. Food should be enjoyed. So, if I am not enjoying it, what's the need?


Only your title caught my attention. And I agree. Pizza is so stupidly overrated and it’s nothing like what these chewing gum children portray it to be. I’d rather eat my beans and bread at a lesser price Biko


Pizza is overhyped the first time I've heard this, I love pizza oh my God, I can't believe you just said pizza is overhyped😔😔😔😔
