(AI) Sketches of the StarWars universe / Skice StarWars vesmíru
I recently finished watching the StarWars - Andor series. I liked it very much. The environments were wonderfully elaborate, reminding me of the CyberPunk video game in places.
The spaceships, the planets and those big galactic cities were mesmerizing. Hats off to all the artists who contributed their imagination to the creation of each scene. Think of these generated images as a celebration of all things StarWars :)
Generated by Playgroundai
Nedávno som dopozeral sériu StarWars - Andor. Veľmi sa mi to páčilo. Prostredie bolo nádherne prepracované, miestami mi pripomínalo video hru CyberPunk.
Vesmírne lode, planéty a tie veľké galaktické mestá boli uchvatné. Klobúk dole pred všetkými umelcami, ktorý sa svojou fantáziou podielali na vzniku jednotlivých scén. Tieto generované obrazky berte ako oslavu celého StarWars :)