Can the advantage still be a disadvantage?
[image belongs to me]
I want to believe that the primary reasons why advance technologies were created were to help or make work easier for humanity, I repeat, TO MAKE WORK EASIER FOR HUMANITY! I did not mention to make end work for humanity, but to make it easier.
In other words, with the help of an advanced technology, we will be till work or w en will still be doing our normal activities but this time In a better way because we have an assistance which is technology.
They say technology has not come to take advantage of humanity instead, humans are to take advantages of technology, by using it to enhance our productivity in daily basis...
Now this does not guaranty that we will not be still have things to do, in other words with the help of these advanced technologies, we cannot be lazy to do what we have to do I become productive.
Let's use for example our artificial intelligence AI, when we ask it for help, it grants us our wish but we forget to realize that it's the AI that knows what we asked and not us, so most times, we rely on its ability forgetting that we will also need most of these knowledge, to do some other things because if network fails you, that's the end for you...
We've become so lazy so comfortable and so dependent on help, that we almost don't know much than what we knew before the invention of advance technology...
To me, I don't know why a student should be very lazy not to be able to read or revise what they were taught, I'm not saying that they can't use AI, I mean I'm a student and when necessary I use AI, but I cannot always depend on AI because there will be a day when it's availability will fail me and then, what will I do?
I'll say this again, by all means, we probably can't know it all, but what we can do is that we can help ourselves by reading and when we cannot understand something's, then we can learn from both sides, also we can say that we are taking advantage of the advanced technology..
It's very unfortunate that everyone is looking for just the short cut to success, including students but then even short cuts can cut us short. Let's keep that in mind!
What's the whole purpose, point and reason for an exam if you know you'll still cheat, cause correct me if ok wrong, but I want to believe that exams is mainly for those that has passed through one or two or more lectures or lessons which that are supposed to know or assimilate so when a test or ann exam is on, there is supposed to be an assurance that the knowledge that has already been imputed in this student, they should be able to express it back in their exams so as to convince the teacher or lecturer that what was taught by you had been learnt by me!
So in all, phones that are legible to to use Ai are good, intact, even teachers use it to teach, but too much of everything is not good, it should be known when to be used and when not to. And then, Thats wisdom applied equals knowledge!
This post is dedicated to the hivelearners Weekly Featured Contents Week 149:- Edition 03:-
The text made me think a lot about how we are becoming increasingly dependent on ready-made solutions, and how this can be dangerous in the long run. It is essential that we use technology to our advantage, but without losing the ability to learn, to seek knowledge for ourselves and, most importantly, to use our own minds. After all, technology is a tool, not an end in itself.
I couldn't have said it better. It's everything I would've loved to type.
technology is a tool and not an end in itself