Warhammer 40k - Savings Progress for Leviathan!


It is the 16th of June and the new box is released on the 24th of June! @merenludick and I have managed to secure ourselves one of the 30 Leviathan Boxes that are the starter set for the 10th Edition of Warhammer 40,000.

Meren will be collecting the Tyranids and I will be collecting (more of) the Space Marines.

The invoice has arrived in my inbox at R3300!

The breakdown is as follows:

I am taking the Rulebook and Mission Deck and this means that my total is around R1675 and Meren's total is about R1625.

I will round it up on my side and pay R1700 for my side of the box and @merenludick will put R1600 towards his side of the box.

Meren got a bunch of money for his birthday and has been saving as well. He has got around R1262 and about R121 in HBD on Hive for a total of R1383! Awesome! Another R217 to go Meren! Write some posts! (I will give him time to write tomorrow!)

As for myself, I will be lending money to myself, I have stopped drawing the little bits out of Hive and into my Luno to sit there for a long time and I have put everything into HBD savings to generate some interest while it is waiting in the wings.

My hobby fund is currently $21.031 in HBD, which is around R381. This is because, this year (not even from the start of it) I have generated R2500 from blogging about my hobby on Hive and spent it on models!

So I have R381 as well bringing my total generated to R2881 so far.

I need to make another R1319 in HBD to pay for my Marines in this box... better make a boat load more content!

I do have plenty more HBD savings, so I will be lending from that and then using my hobby funding to pay that off. That's around $72.3 in HBD. I have done it before and I will do it again!

So I have a confession to make... I MIGHT have secured myself a few more units from Leviathan... increasing the amount I will need to loan from myself... thus... I need to really make a move on and get cracking.

One of my biggest 40k dreams is to create a truly awesome and massive army... and this is one way to do it. The Leviathan models come in at a steal and when I get given an opportunity... I shall take it!

So let's get going!

Let me outline some of my plans for the future:

1: I would like to build an entire Great Company of Space Wolves. I will outline what that means in a future post. The Great Company in question shall be that of Bjorn Stormwolf. I will still be using Bjorn the Fell Handed in his army, this is not a problem since The Fell Handed goes where he is needed!

2: I would like to build an entire Battle Company of Dark Angels. I have the marines for that.

Both the Great Company and Battle Company shall be Post-Ultima Founding strengths and composition.

3: I would like to build all my Astra Milirarum units to create a smallish Guard Regiment.

4: I would like to build all my Grey Knights to create an playable army for them.

5: I would like to build the Votann models I have to create a Mercenary Oath-band that shall join my Imperial Army in Battle.

6: I would like to build a small Strike Force of Ultramarines to go with my Captain Sicarius.

7: I would like to have all my Imperial Agents/Assassins painted and ready to rumble.

Some of these goals will be faster to achieve than others... but all of these are plans that I can achieve WITHOUT buying any more models!

Time to get painting!

I thank you for Reading!


Hive South Africa


Jeez..... Superb plans man😂
Goodluck achieving your goals man... I really wish you luck


Thank you very much! Do you perhaps play any boardgames? Trying to gather more of us together.
