Warhammer 40k Collection - Grey Hunters Pack Added! Painted Collection now on 1548pts!

Good day, this is Zak Ludick and this is the boardgame Warhammer 40,000!

In preparation for the big Eternal Carnage match on the 13th of May, I get more and more of my forces ready.

With fresh Grey Hunter Pack markings, Highlights, washes and finer details, this unit is ready to go.

The loadout is simple:

6 man unit.
Pack Leader with Power Fist
Plasma Gun and Astartes Chainsword
4x Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Astartes Chainsword

These units are meant to be transported inside Razorbacks!

The new total:

The Total Collection!

Grand Total - 1548pts

Space Wolves - 943pts

HQ - 420pts

Elites - 60pts

Troops - 278pts

Fast Attack - 65pts

Heavy Support - 120pts

Dark Angels - 70pts

HQ - 70pts

Ultramarines - 105pts

HQ - 105pts

Agenst of the Imperium - 430pts

Army Stats

Models: 40

Vehicles: 2

Characters: 11

Infantry Squads: 3

Beast Squads: 3

Partial Squads: 0

More reinforcements are on their way!

Hobby Fund

Earned: R2102
Spent: R1000
Current savings: R1102
Next target: R1500
Amount left to go: R398

Thank you for reading!


Hive South Africa


Ready to go ^^ I still like some of the vanilla Marines more than their Primaris counterparts.
