Pick up your old writing projects! Legends Never Die!
Listen to this song while you read this post! (Source)
If you do creative writing, there is a good chance that you get to a time when you do not want to or feel unable to continue writing. You get into a slump or get into writer's block.
Some people do not even like to label it and deny that they are in this sort of position. But the result is the same - they stop writing.
Days turn into a week and you say to yourself that this week was tough and that you will write soon, but not today. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. You struggle to define a definite goal.
So the story that you have created, something that you enjoyed writing and creating sit fallow, unmoving. A week turns into two, turns into a month. On and on it goes and the next thing you know, you have not picked up your writing in a long time.
I am sure the same sort of thing happens to musicians like @clairemobey and @jasperdick from time to time. From what I heard of their stories on stage, both had massive spans where the guitar and the songwriting stopped. There is a similarity and yet they have picked up their instruments and have made amazing music.
So too is your unfinished story writing.
You yearn for it, the release of ideas on to paper(or screen) and yet now it has been so long that you feel that you cannot connect to it again. It takes too long, there is too much to do... however...
Legends never die.
They become a part of you.
Remember that your story may lie there but it is not over, you are not finished and there is NOTHING stopping you from picking it up again!
Just do it!
When you feel like you need your own reset, picking up your writing from 6 months or more ago is like reloading a savepoint in your brain and you are transported back to that time.
Go on! Create! Write! Do more!
If you need to, find yourself a friend who will write WITH you like I write with @lex-zaiya. We have done 101 parts of a book 1 called Mortis Custos and are on a Book 2 of that series which is now on Part 16 already! 117 parts where we take it in turns to write!
If you do not have such a partner, then at least write and send it to a friend who will read and comment on the short bits you do in each writing session. Hive is wonderful in that regard because you could just turn it into a post and your friends can interact and vote on your post.
The most important thing is that you do NOT stop writing or that you START writing again!
If you would like to read and support @lex-zaiya and I in Maledictus Terra here are the links:
The Story begins with Mortis Custos Part One while the current episode is Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex Part 16.
I have had a Legends Never Die moment, reviving a story that @therneau and I did together. First he got busy and I continued for a little while and then I too, stopped writing. I have now picked it up again after 6 months of not adding to that story with Space Lore Log SLKT#4.
This story has multiple storylines happening at the same time and at the bottom of that post are the links to that story. In total it has 36 parts! I just added to that now after 6 months and I have other projects that will also be revived!
I feel motivated to get going again!
Go ahead! Pick up your pens and dust off your keyboards!
Legends never die!
Thank you for reading!
The best quote I ever heard when I started writing was that it doesn't matter if it's good or not, just keep writing.
brilliant babe. Just keep going!! <3