Book of Space Lore Review - Parts 4, 5 and 6

Good day everyone! Iam finally continuing with this work, reviewing a fiction story I collabed with @therneau and then getting back into writing this story as explained in this post.

This series is all about analysing writing methods in both the planned and non-planned free writing.

The story is that of the Book of Space Lore which is a story I co-authored with @therneau up to a point. I am a little out of touch with the whole story and that is why it would be a great if I reviewed a few chapters at a time, discussed the parts of the story and start collating a Dramatis Personae and a Glossary of terms.

If you would like to read the previous review, it is Book of Space Lore Review - Parts 1, 2 and 3

So we shall be reviewing the following parts:

Finally, there needs to be a spoiler warning...

Warning, Spoilers below!l

Part 4

At this point, Thorne and G5(J5) are fleeing the bugs. The robot has created a gun to shoot at them with and Thorne focusses on fleeing to the pod on the planet.

Previously he had been speaking to Alan but the Pod does not contain Allan. He tries to get into the pod and fails to gain access. As he begins to lose consciousness, J5 arrives, having gotten rid of that particular swarm.

They have less than 7 minutes until the next swarm catches up with them while it takes 10 minutes to lift off.

Finally, this part metions GRS 902, a location where AI's congregate as the greatest minds of the known galaxies.

Part 5

This part opens up by describing the Lazarus Falchion, a dated but fast ship owned by Alan Green.

Alan is worried about Thorne and has been waiting to make contact with him. Instead of making contact with Thorne, he gets hold of G5 instead who re-brands himself officially as J5.

J5 is described to be much larger and seems to have assimilated parts of the pod used to bring Thorne and the bot to the Lazarus.

The bot carries Thorne to medbay explaining that he had passed out. He also explains that he had improved the pod to make it lift off faster and commands that they travel to GRS 902, when Alan refuses, J5 threatens Alan with a gun!

Part 6

In this part J5 decides to use a non lethal method to incapacitate Alan by hitting pressure points in his chest, causing Alan to pass out.

J5 sets about modifying the ship. He starts with software and then modifies hardware.

He describes how others would come looking for them now that Thorne had uncovered the Ochophial and that the substance has the ability to open a wormhole to a whole new galaxy!


There we go! Finally making progress on this review and catch up! I have now managed to add 1x Item to the Glossary and 1x new Place. Also, a known or assumed property of the Ochophial substance.

Dramatis Personae

  • Thorne Herm - Explorer and Prospector
  • Alan Green - Pilot working with Thorne
  • G5/J5 - Robot Assistant, altered by exposure to alien technology


  • Ochophial - A rare crystal substance. Said to be capable of opening a wormhole to another Galaxy.
  • Lazarus Falchion - A fast exploration and trading vessel owned by Alan Green.


  • Vorcia III - The place Thorne found the ochophial
  • The moon of Takar V - A holiday destination.
  • GRS 902 - Location where AI's live and thrive.

Thank you for reading this post! I hope to do another one soon!


Hive South Africa


Ahhh, good old Space Lore 👌 Loved this first one we started. It has some great potential


Indeed. Finally doing the recap I wanted to do.
