40k Savings strategies and negotions - my current plan


Good day everyone! Greetings from a sunny and warm Cape Town, South Africa!

Hobby Goals

Sometimes you will have a goal or a strategy and though the plan is a good one and it is generally important to KEEP at it, there are also some times where it shall be necessary for you to adapt your strategy based on opportunity or pressure.

So... I have a hobby savings fund and I have been saving into for a long time now. The idea there is to keep track of the HP payout part of the post and to record the growth of that HP to reach 1500HP.

This 1500HP target is currently at 1075HP complete so 71.66% complete.

I will be using this HP to sell for HBD on the Bull/Bear flip, buy back the HP and stick the profit HBD into savings on my hobby savings alt account to make interest. The idea would then be to feed HBD into this account and to only use the interest as a hobby fund faucet that does not get used up!

I think this is a pretty awesome idea and I am really excited about that prospect.

The big concept is that this Hive powered hobby fund will allow me to build the biggest Warhammer army ever and play it against other massive armies.

That is the plan and I have been sticking to it solidly for months now, writing HUNDREDS of posts to generate the 1075HP that I have made so far.


However, someone has offered me a deal to purchase a lot of models from them and they are keeping it exclusively for me.

I also owe someone else a wack of cash for Warhammer models.

So the Original lot was for R12,000... I then purchased a single box from that lot to give to my son for his Birthday. The lot consists of Space Marines and Tyranids.

This then dropped the remainder to about R11,500.

The guy had no timeline for me so I told him I am waiting on my target and the Bull run. So we could wait. But now he has asked that we look at settling in December since he needs money for deposits on wedding venues etc.

So now the pressure is on!

He then dropped his asking price to R11,000. I discussed with him my plan:

I will pause tracking HP gain on my Warhammer posts and instead collect the HBD instead. Oh, it might be pertinent for me to say this now: I believe that even though I am posting and earning for my hobby, that half the payout must go towards my general account and not my hobby.

That benefit to my general account helps my overall financial situation, therefore I am 50% working for grocery money or to pay off loans etc etc etc.

New plan

So... I will be transferring the HBD into my alt and putting THAT into savings! This will probably only pay out Interest twice before I need to pay the guy.

I described the entire situation to the guy and he then further dropped the total goal to R10,000 but he is keeping one of the models.

I am OK with that.

This makes the goal easier to achieve.

Meanwhile I owe my other friend R6000. I think I should use this initiative to pay him after this lot immediately. Then my conscience can be clear and I can go back and complete the rest of the other goal.

Current status

The first goal is R10,000. Current prices, makes this about $578 HBD at the current price.

I have $1.140 HBD in savings now.

Thus my completion is at:


I shall need to step up my game!

The total with both amounts is $938

So that one is at: 0.12% complete.

Wish me luck and watch me grind! 💪💪💪💪

Thank you for reading this post!


Hive South Africa


:) Good luck with the savings buddy!


Thanks man! Your support on those posts will greatly help!


Omg! I just saw the transfer! Thank you so much!



I'm sad it's not more, but it's what I had on-hand from the rewards from my last post which was like... gosh, two weeks ago now lol. Life's been crazy out here. But, as they say, every little bit helps!
