tidying up the flower leaves in the front yard of my house
A few months ago before the rainy season I had tidied up the leaves of this flower and now it is very dense again and there are already so many young leaves because it was too fertile two months ago in our place it rained heavily so I couldn't tidy it up entering this summer I will tidy it up soon
Beberapa bulan yang lalu sebelum musim hujan saya sudah merapikan daun bunga ini dan sekarang sudah sangat lebat lagi dan sudah sangat banyak daun muda ini akibat terlalu subur dua bulan yang lalu di tempat kami hujan deras sehingga saya tidak bisa merapikannya memasuki musim panas ini saya akan segera merapikannya
I planted these flowers in front of the house on the side of the road of course not to interfere with the road I should not let it get too high and messy like being neglected can be dangerous for drivers and also for my family, this flower is a red leaf flower that has red and yellow leaves the old leaves will turn green
Bunga bunga ini saya tanam di depan rumah di pinggir jalan tentunya tidak mengganggu jalan saya tidak boleh membiarkannya terlalu tinggi dan berantakan seperti tidak ter urus bisa berbahaya bagi pengendara dan juga bagi keluarga saya, bunga ini adalah bunga daun merah yang memiliki daun berwarna merah dan kuning daun tua akan berubah menjadi hijau
here are some photos of the flowers before I tidied them up
Before starting to tidy it up I need some simple tools such as scissors machete gloves because the tree has reached 2.5 meters I need a chair to be able to reach the top
Sebelum memulai merapikannya saya membutuhkan beberapa alat sederhana seperti gunting parang sarung tangan karena pohonnya sudah mencapai 2,5 meter saya butuh korsi agar bisa mencapai pucuknya
Now I will start tidying it up it takes precision experience and art in shaping this flower according to your wishes so that it is beautiful to look at and looks neat I start from the bottom cutting the leaves while forming a circle and I need a chair to continue to the top
Sekarang saya akan memulai merapikannya butuh ketelitian pengalaman dan seni dalam membentuk bunga ini sesuai keinginan agar indah di pandang dan terlihat rapi saya memulainya dari bawah menggunting daun sambil membentuk melingkar dan saya membutuhkan korsi untuk melanjutkan ke atas
Just two stems finished the rain started to fall making me have to stop and take shelter on the porch of the house, I didn't realize that there was a leaf caterpillar stuck to my pants it was a bit ticklish to see but I immediately threw it away using a machete
Baru dua batang selesai hujan mulai turun membuat saya harus berhenti dan berteduh di teras rumah, saya tidak sadar ternyata ada ulat daun yang menempel di celana saya agak geli sih liatnya namun saya segera membuangnya menggunakan parang
This rain did not last long I could continue to tidy up the next flower after the rain stopped now I have to be more careful because the flowers are already wet and the place is slippery, I can continue until all the flowers in the front yard of my house are neat again
Hujan ini tidak berlangsung lama saya bisa melanjutkan kembali merapikan bunga berikutnya setelah hujan berhenti sekarang saya harus lebih berhati hati karena bunganya sudah basah dan tempatnya jadi licin, saya bisa meneruskan sampai semua bunga di halaman depan rumah saya kembali rapi
After finishing the process of pruning the leaves and grating now my wife is helping me sweep and throw away all the leaves that have been scattered on the ground to the garbage dump, we are very happy because we have finished this job even though there was a little obstacle the rain is now very neat and very pleasing to the eye
Setelah selesai proses pemangkasan daun dan perapian kini saya di bantu istri menyapu dan membuang semua daun yang telah ber serakan di tanah ke tempat penumpukan sampah, kami sangat senang karena telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini walaupun ada sedikit kendala hujan kini sudah sangat rapi dan sangat enak di pandang
Look how neat our flowers are and they are very beautiful to look at, they are no longer scattered, it took four years to wait for this flower to be as big as it is now because this flower grows for a very long time and needs a process to be able to be shaped like this
Lihatlah betapa rapinya bunga bunga kami ini dan sudah sangat indah di pandang tidak berserakan lagi butuh waktu empat tahun untuk menunggu bunga ini sebesar sekarang ini karena bunga ini tumbuhnya sangat lama dan butuh proses untuk bisa di bentuk seperti ini
Thank you for coming to our garden, I hope you enjoy our garden
Congratulations on the beautiful work, your garden is looking incredible, I think this style of tree pruning is very beautiful, here at home I have several trees, but I am terrible at landscaping.
Posted using Neoxian City
thank you very much for the theme! hihihi😁 just learning too