Splinterlands battlefield filled with fog of war || Battle Mage Secrets Challenge
Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم
i am back this week with my weekly challenge battle ruleset.this week Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge RULESET is Fog of War. i think before creating lineup we should learn about this ruleset that what is this ruleset and which kind of cards we can use in this ruleset that can help us to win the battle against the opponent lineup.in this ruleset all cards that has ability of Sneak and Snipe , they lose their this ability , can not perform according to ability so we should use those cards in the linupe that has no Sneak, Snipe ability.
if we will use Sneak, Snipe ability cards in the battle then our lineup will be not able to attack proerly to opponent lineup. sneak abilities cards are thoese cards that has the ability to attack on second lineup card or other position except frontline of opponent. Snipe ability cards are those cards that target he lowest health card of the opponent side regardless of their position in the in opponent lineup. there is one ability that is Opportunity ability , this ability cards also lose their ability of Opportunity in fog of war ruleset.
if card has the ability of Opportunity then this card will be no effect in the war against the opponent so we should not use those cards that has Opportunity in fog of war ruleset. Opportunity ability cards are those cards that has the ability to attack those opponent card that has no protection or shield or armor so Opportunity ability cards always attacks on those cards that has no protection ,sheild or armor.
if you want to read more about this week battle challenge theme then you can check this official post Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

i used ALRIC STORMBRINGER Summoner in the battle.my this battle was consist of very much lowest mana 17 . 17 mana battle is the lowest mana battle . i had very limited option to select the best cards for the lineup so in lowest mana battle , every players try to place lowest mana card to increase the the lineup power against the opponent lineup. ALRIC STORMBRINGER summoner is used for magic attack lineup against the opponent. ALRIC STORMBRINGER ehance the magic attack and give best magic attacking power to all its friendly monsters against the opponent lineup. this battle had three ruleset. all ruleset was very much tough . there was one ruleset of Fabfour , second was Taking sides and last one was Fog of War. there was very much limited option to select the strongest linupe against the opponent with 17 mana cost. so i selected ALRIC STORMBRINGER Summoner becasue of all above reason to increase magic attack of my all cards against the opponent side.

KELP INITIATE is the lowesst mana cost card. its mana cost is only 2 but its health is strong and speed also is strong.it has no attacking power but its health make it unique card for lowest mana battle.i placed it at frontline in the battle becasue of its good health . there was plan in my mind that my opponent would place heavy attacker card at the frontline to destroy my frontline so i placed nonattacker card at the frontline to face the attack of the opponent frontline. KELP INITIATE faces opponent attack and stayed strongest for the victory in the battle. i am use to place KELP INITIATE in lowest mana battle so it is my favorite card in this situation.

my second card was HARDY STONEFISH.it is also lowest mana cost card. it has the ability of melee attack.it has one armor and one health. reason of chosing this card in lineup was this that it is lowest mana cost card , only 1 mana is its cost in battle. my battle was consist of total 17 mana so there HARDY STONEFISH type ability card was favorite to attack on opponent side . my plan was to add lowest mana cost card in two frontline. HARDY STONEFISH was best option to place at second place. it can attack on opponent with melee attack . my plan worked very well according to my stratgey .

I used CAPTAIN'S GHOST at third postion and it was my main magic attacker card in my lineup agaisnt the opponent. my frontline and second lineup was to protect it from the opponent attack in start of the battle. i used ALRIC STORMBRINGER summoner for this purpose to increase the magic attack of its friendly cards. so CAPTAIN'S GHOST enhance +1 magic attack from its summoner side . CAPTAIN'S GHOST mana cost is 7 mana. it has strong +2 magic attacking power . it has strongest health and speed is also 2 . CAPTAIN'S GHOST card is best card in all aspect of fight. i won many battle from this card. i am use to place this card daily in rank battle. if we use CAPTAIN'S GHOST acording to battle ruleset then the card has ability to defeat any level opponent but condition is that other lineup also should be according to ruleset . my stratgey worked and i got result in the shape of victory.

i placed CORAL WRAITH at 4th place . its mana cost was 4 mana. it has good health. it is magic attacker card. CORAL WRAITH is sneak attacker card but i had no choice other to select any other card. i selected it because i has best magic attack and summoner was suporter of magic attacker card. i got victory .
First round was very much crushal for my lineup. my two cards destroyed in first round and one card was destroyed of my opponent side. my frontline and second lineup was destroyed in first round. it was biggest lost of my linupe. i was thinking that my frontline would stay at the end of the second round but in first round my first two card destroyed by opponent. so i was thinking that now my lineup would lost the battle.
when round 2 started , my one card destroyed in start of the round 2. then my lineup destroyed the opponent lineup one card. at the end of the round 2, there was two card both side. my opponent line had one melee attacker card and other was range attacker. my side was both magic attacker.
in round 3, my opponent lineup destroyed my main magic attacker card with the range attack and then there was last my card . my last card was attack with melee attack but luckly my opponent melee attack was not very much strong and my last magic attacker attacked on the opponent and killed the card. now there was one card both side. i had magic attcker and my opponent had range attacker but my opponent card was range attacker who had no ability to attack from front line. my magic attacker card destroyed the opponent lineup in round 4 complety and i got victory in this battle.
Round 4 was the final round in which i destroyed the full lineup of my opponent. if you want to see the battle live on the splinterlands blockchain then visit this battle link

i am happy with my lineup and work plan. dear friend if you still do not know about splinterlands then join today splinterlands game and earn from this game passive income.
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