Week 3 Of Taking Part In Saturday Savers



Main Target For The Year

Target: 500 Hive Power
Current: 400 Hive Power. An increase of 12 hp this week.

Some more posts paid out this week so with my choice of rewards as 100% hp this is definitely helping me climb slowly.
I am hoping to hit the 500 hp target by October now instead of the end of December which would be quite an achievement for me.

Secondary Targets


Target: 30 Bro
Current: 21 Bro

Sadly this week I have had no movement on Bro. But I have increased slightly my stake in LGN which is run by the bro team as well.
So either way I am supporting the Bro team and doing well from it in general.


Target: 1000 Pimp
Current: 709 Pimp

A tidy 59 Pimp increase this week is a great feeling for me. This is another one that I think I may be able to hit way before the end of December.
I may move this above Bro buys for a little bit as this seems a much easier target to hit for now.


This week I have added some more to the Dcity pool and I am receiving around 0.026 Hive a day from Dcity which is great. It's not much to some but this has been a regular payment for a while now that I have constantly overlooked as I never really tracked my Hive earnings.

Since joining the Saturday Savers it has changed my view of things and it is has actually made me sit back and think about exactly what I want to achieve on Hive.
How I can push myself to work harder, stay committed and just be a good community member.
Along with meeting some cool new people as well, this has been a great step up for me in terms of Hive and I am loving each moment even more.

Away from Hive and Crypto in general my other savings that I take part in is stacking silver. At this moment in time I have a small stack and with the recent price of silver I sadly haven't been able to buy any more.
Silver has been dropping steadily but so has my Crypto portfolio values which has caused me to not be able to fund my silver buys.

I am hoping things start to level out and I can get back to stacking more silver in a greedy fashion!
The aim is to have a 50/50 split in value between crypto and silver.
At this moment in time I am around 70/30 on crypto to silver, so a bit of a way to go to make it an even split but I will get there.

Happy savings all

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


keep on saving dude !hiqvote !lolz !pimp
