No me gustan mis gatos, solia decir 🙀😸😻 I don't like my cats I used to say

Yellow Simple Photo Collage Cat Or Dog Choice Instagram Post._20240928_181247_0000.png

Un gato es un ser bastante peculiar, yo solía ser el tipo de persona que no era muy amante de los gatos, su forma de ser, además de que un amigo tenía muchos, los cuales su forma de ser no eran de mi agrado sin lugar a dudas.

A cat is a rather peculiar being, I used to be the kind of person who wasn't very fond of cats, their way of being, also because a friend had many of them, whose way of being was definitely not to my liking.


Un día mi a mi mamá le ofrecieron un gato que según en ese momento era una gata, curiosamente acepto y a mí sinceramente me pareció extraño, pues no soy de gatos y ya había tenido perros.

One day my mom was offered a cat that was believed to be a female at that time, she curiously accepted, and to me, it honestly seemed strange, as I am not a cat person and had already had dogs.

En su momento estaba muy pequeño y simplemente pensábamos que era una gata, ya que como era la primera vez que teníamos este tipo de animal, no entendíamos cómo eran sus partes genitales.

Con el pasar del tiempo nos dimos cuenta de que realmente tenía un pene y nos dio demasiada risa, pues ya teníamos como aproximadamente unos dos tres meses de que pensábamos o asimilamos de que era una grata hembra e incluso le tomamos varias fotografías con lacitos rosados y ese tipo de cosas más femeninas por así decirlo.

At the time it was very small and we simply thought it was a female cat, since it was the first time we had this type of pet, we didn't understand how its genital parts were.

As time went by we realized that it actually had a penis and it made us laugh a lot, because we had like approximately two or three months of thinking or assuming that it was a female cat and even took several pictures of it with pink bows and more feminine things, so to speak.


En primera instancia yo no era muy apegado a este gato, ya que como lo había dicho anteriormente no era amante de este tipo de animal; sin embargo, con el pasar del tiempo y poder compartir más me alegré muchísimo de cómo es su forma de ser a pesar de ser bastante gruñón, pero entiendo que los gatos tienen su propio carácter y su propia forma de ser independiente.

Aunque a veces me sorprende muchísimo por cómo se comporta, Pero sabemos que los gatos entienden ciertas cosas, sin embargo, no les importa en absoluto lo que tú pienses de ellos.

Initially I was not very attached to this cat, as I had mentioned before, I was not a lover of this type of animal; however, over time and being able to share more, I was very happy with how he is despite being quite grumpy, but I understand that cats have their own character and their own way of being independent.

Although sometimes it surprises me a lot by how he behaves, But we know that cats understand certain things, however, they do not care at all what you think of them.


Es más que increíble la forma en la que se pueden comunicar con nosotros, así como pedir comida, buscarnos cuando hay alguna que otra necesidad de cariño o tal vez esa necesidad de estar acurrucado con uno.

Este gato me enseña lo que es la fidelidad y el compañerismo de una forma bastante inusual además de que siempre busca la manera desde su extraña forma de ser de darme cariño, una vez algo que me pareció muy extraño se acostó en mi cama cosa que él nunca había hecho, sin embargo, ese día lo hizo y me preservó demasiado extraño una especie de señal de que algo bueno pasaría.

The way they can communicate with us is more than incredible, as well as asking for food, looking for us when there is some need for affection or perhaps the need to cuddle with someone.

This cat teaches me what loyalty and companionship are in a quite unusual way, always seeking to show me affection in its strange way. Once, something that seemed very strange to me happened, it lay in my bed, something it had never done before. However, that day it did, and it seemed very peculiar, almost like a sign that something good would happen.


Ya al tener aproximadamente unos tres años con este gato se podría decir de cierta manera que soy amante de los mismos, hacen peculiaridades aunque el mío realmente le veo a veces unos comportamientos que son más de perro que de gato, pues se comporta bastante extraño e incluso lo he visto que ha correteado a perros como si él fuera un macho alfa.

En esta publicación quiero compartirles algunas fotografías las cuales se muestra su extraño carácter, sus momentos más tiernos que sin duda pueden alegrarnos más de una vez.

After having approximately about three years with this cat one could say in a certain way that I am fond of them, they do peculiarities although mine I really see sometimes behaviors that are more of a dog than a cat, as he behaves quite strangely and I have even seen him chase dogs as if he were an alpha male.

In this post I want to share with you some photographs that show his strange character, his most tender moments that can definitely brighten our day more than once.


Quisiera saber cómo ha sido tu experiencia con los gatos si en algún momento te han rasguñado, pues a mí bastante que lo ha e incluso Por el simple hecho de tocarlo ya él quiere alejarse de mí, pero son cosas de gatos.

I would like to know how your experience with cats has been if they have scratched you at any time, as it has happened quite a bit to me, and even just by touching him he wants to get away from me, but those are cat things.



All Photos taken by me

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.


Hello @yonilkar
What a beautiful bundle, I like the color of its fur
Cats have a lot of personality, they do what makes them feel good, and the opinion of others doesn't count
I can imagine their surprised faces when they discovered that it was a cat and not a kitten


😂😂😂 yeah, cats are unique in their own way, I think they are just in their own move hahaha.

Our faces were so much than surprising hahaha.
