Let's Make a Collage 189: Magical Shelter

Saludos queridos amigos de la comunidad!
Nuevamente he venido a presentar mi entrada al concurso de collage de esta semana, para hacer mas acogedor este paisaje xerófilo decidí recrear una comunidad de pequeños seres fantásticos que han construido sus refugios sobre las plantas de la zona y han domesticado a las aves que vuelan alrededor, haciendo de este entorno su hogar permanente, les contare un poco del proceso de creación de este collage, espero me acompañen y recuerden cada semana hay concurso en Let's Make a collage para conocer las base visita el siguiente enlace

Greetings dear friends of the community!
Once again I have come to submit my entry to this week's collage contest, to make this xerophytic landscape more welcoming I decided to recreate a community of small fantastic beings that have built their shelters on the plants of the area and have tamed the birds that fly around, making this environment their permanent home, I will tell you a little of the process of creating this collage, I hope you join me and remember every week there is a contest in Let's Make a collage to know the basis visit the following link


Para comenzar este collage lo primero que hice fu abocetar un poco mi idea y con este dibujo en mente comencé a buscar los elementos necesarios para hacerlo realidad, lo primero fue buscar la textura de corteza que usaría como base para la casa y luego construí sus ventanas y chimeneas ,luego procedí a buscar a todos los personajes y animales que formarían parte de esta escena y poco a poco lo que imaginé fue cobrando vida.

To start this collage the first thing I did was to sketch my idea and with this drawing in mind I began to look for the necessary elements to make it real, the first thing was to look for the bark texture that I would use as a base for the house and then I built its windows and chimneys, then I proceeded to look for all the characters and animals that would be part of this scene and little by little what I imagined was coming to life.


Por ultimo dibuje algunas pequeñas haditas miniatura volando alrededor de las casa y algunas al interior de sus hogares, y por supuesto luego se oscurecer un poco el paisaje comencé a dibujar muchos brillos alrededor para complementar el aura mágica del paisaje.

Lastly I drew some little miniature fairies flying around the houses and some inside their homes, and of course after the landscape darkened a bit I started to draw lots of glitter around to complement the magical aura of the landscape.


Me gusto mucho trabajar en este collage y el método que use para este collage, también me parecen muy curiosas las vegetación de la plantilla de esta semana, no creo haber presenciado estas plantas antes... para culminar este post, como siempre, le agradezco a todos los que aportaron las imágenes usadas esta semana que se encuentran a continuación...
Sin mas me despido y les deseo un buen inicio de semana!

¡Hasta la próxima!

I really enjoyed working on this collage and the method I used for this collage, I also find the vegetation in this week's template very curious, I don't think I have ever seen these plants before... to finish this post, as always, I thank everyone who contributed with the images used this week that are below...
Without further ado I bid you farewell and wish you a great start to the week!

See you next time!

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @angeli-b.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @argeh.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @argeh.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @angeli-b.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @quantumg.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.


Imagen de Dina Dee en Pixabay



Fascinating to see what these interesting plants can inspire. Even to such a fantastic place as in your collage.
Wonderful work! 👍

Good luck in the contest, @yetsimar.


Greeting my friend!
Thank you very much for your comment, very good things were generated with this template!
A hug! ✨️
