Hello, friends! Last week, I started telling the story of my mushroom-picking trip with a friend after a heavy downpour and storm the night before. In that post, I mentioned that there were very few porcini mushrooms in the forest. However, this didn’t bother me, as I was wonderfully compensated—I collected almost a full 20-liter bucket of chanterelles. These incredibly delicious mushrooms, highly cherished by the French, were in abundance in the forest. You just had to be willing to bend down and pick them, as chanterelles are generally quite small mushrooms, with only a few growing to relatively large sizes. And even then, they’re much smaller than porcini mushrooms, so if you want to gather a lot of chanterelles, you can’t be lazy about bending down or squatting to the ground. My friend, on the other hand, was lazy and didn’t do this, so he gathered far fewer chanterelles 😉. | Привіт, друзі! Минулого тижня я розпочав свою розповідь про поїздку по гриби зі своїм другом після сильної зливи та буревію напередодні. У тому дописі я згадував, щоб білих грибів у лісі було дуже мало. Проте мене це не засмутило, бо я отримав чудову компенсацію - я назбирав майже ціле 20-літрове відро лисичок. Цих неймовірно вишуканих на смак грибів, які дуже полюбляють французи, у лісі було дуже багато. Лише не потрібно було лінуватися нагинатися та зрізати їх, бо лисички загалом дуже невеликі гриби, лише деякі з них досягають відносно великих розмірів. І все одно вони значно менші за білі гриби, тобто якщо хочеш назбирати багато лисичок, то не потрібно лінуватися нагинатися до землі чи присідати. Мій товариш був лінивим і не робив цього, тому назбирав значно менше лисичок 😉 |
Very cool... I have them lot also just now in forest 😋😋👌👌👌👌☕🥓🧀🥖
It's just great, isn't it?! 😉
Yes 😋👌👌👌
How are you, dear friend @yetaras?
You have done a great job of collecting mushrooms. Those who work hard are rewarded.
Congratulations, you have collected a huge amount of mushrooms. Enjoy it very much.
Have a great weekend
Thank you for your comment! I also wish you a great weekend!
Wow, the mushrooms are so beautiful, so many. I am very entertained to see mushrooms like this.❤
You can’t imagine how delighted I was to see these mushrooms in the forest! 😊 I’m glad you liked it too!
Wow, I am jealous, lucky you, yum, that's a lot! 😍
Yes, that's a lot 😊
it has been a very good year for chantrelles here also but there are many who pick them so to fill a bucket like yours you must know some good very out of the way places
This place is really very remote, it takes two hours by car from my house