We must feel worthy of all the good that happens to us.[Eng-Spa]



Do not regret the time that has passed and that in some way you feel that you lost, do not give the opportunity to the past that has already been healed. Do not regret the things you have not been able to do, remember to always look forward to our present and do not forget that it is never too late to start from scratch. And believe that you deserve everything beautiful that is being presented to you and do not ruin it by returning to a past that seeks you, which you already know is of no use. (valid, for loves, friendships and jobs)

-No te arrepientas del tiempo que ha pasado y que de alguna manera sientes que perdiste, no le des la oportunidad al pasado que ya fue sanado. No te arrepientas de las cosas que no has podido hacer, recuerda mirar siempre con ansias nuestro presente y no olvides que nunca es tarde para empezar de cero. Y cree que mereces todo lo bello que se te está presentando y no lo arruines volviendo a un pasado que te busca, que ya sabes que no sirve de nada. (válido, para amores, amistades y trabajos)

