Will central banks hold Bitcoin as a store of value?


Will central banks hold Bitcoin as a store of value just like they do with gold? I think so. When will this start to happen? I don't know.
But Bitcoin has already become a reference in the financial market and there are only a few taboos left to break for it to happen.

Today I read a news item in which the independent candidate for the presidency of the United States Robert F. Kennedy Jr. proposed to equate gold reserves with Bitcoin reserves.
That would mean the incredible figure of 615 billion dollars or, in other words, almost half of Bitcoin.

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Clearly believing that the United States government can buy half of the world's Bitcoin is absurd, but it can have 615 billion dollars in Bitcoin. If the main central banks of the world made the same decision, these purchases would lead Bitcoin to much higher prices than the current ones and then a small proportion of Bitcoin could be that figure and it would be feasible.

In any case, the important thing is not that, but that a presidential candidate, although it is clear that he will not succeed, has already proposed it, which shows us the increasingly widespread adoption even in the highest powers.
Those statements about the irrelevance of Bitcoin and that it did not provide any value seem to be far away. Although in reality very little time has passed since then. The European Central Bank knows this very well. It is a pity that some still keep their jobs.

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