Reseña y análisis de Akagami no Shirayuki-hime /Review and analysis of Akagami no Shirayuki-hime [ESP/ENG]


Hola queridos amigos de @theAnimeRealm un gusto pasar por acá y hablarles hoy día sobre un anime que hace tiempo lo había visto es mi segunda vez que lo puedo apreciar y me pareció bueno hablarles de ello, ya que es entretenido y tiene su toque de aventura con amor, lo que me fascina jeje, así que, a los encantadores de acción, con amor y amistad acá les tengo a Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, también conocida como la Blanca Nieves pelirroja.

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Es un anime basado en la joven Shirayuki quien posee un cabello poco común, rojo como el color de la manzana, enfocada en la herbolaria , ella vivía felizmente con sus abuelos en la ciudad de Tambarun pero un día el primer príncipe del reino, el joven Raj se obsesiona con ella por su cabello y desea hacerla su amante, por tal motivo huye de la ciudad y decide cortarse su melena cosa que no hubiese nada que ofrecerle, pero en el transcurso de su huida conoce a Zen el segundo príncipe de Clarines, es ahí donde comenzará una nueva aventura para ambos, ya que Zen decide apoyar y demostrarle que su destino no está escrito que ella misma puede trazar sus pasos.

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A medida que se conocen ambos no solo se darán apoyo para en el caso de Shirayuki ser herbolaria oficial del reino y Zen cumplir con sus responsabilidades de príncipe, también empezará a surgir un sentimiento especial en ambos que permitirá ser más que amigos, pero no la tendrán tan fácil ya que Shirayuki por su inusual cabello atraerá peligros y aventureros que querrán tenerla a la fuerza para venderla o ser usada para otros propósitos, aunque no se les será fácil tendrá la ayuda de Kiki, Mitsuhide y Obi los guardaespaldas y bien amigos de Zen que la apoyaran y protegerán de cualquier problema.

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Este anime realmente cuenta con aventura, suspenso, amistad y amor, no solo se basa de una típica historia del príncipe que se enamora de la plebeya, sino de un príncipe que a través de conocer a una chica cuyo destino parecía ser difícil por ser perseguida en el simple hecho de tener un cabello diferente le ayudará a ser mejor cada día, cumplir sus responsabilidad, proteger lo que quiere y luchar por preservar el bienestar de su pueblo, en el caso de Shirayuki el luchar por sus sueños, el aprovechar su gusto por la medicina natural y demostrar que se puede ayudar en cualquier circunstancia para no solo ser de utilidad si no para poder salvar así vidas.

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Cuenta con 2 temporadas y un ova, es muy entretenido, hay momentos graciosos sobre todo Zen con sus amigos intentado descifrar sus sentimientos, te permite la variedad entre un príncipe que quiere dejar de serlo, pero sabe que es su papel, sin embargo, no implica que no pueda soñar con algo aparte como es el caso de su amor por Shirayuki.

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Mangaka Sorata Akisuki y Mazahiro Ando. Género Aventura, Drama, Fantasía, histórico y romance. Estudio de Animación Bones.

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Muchas gracias por leerlo. Espero sea de su agrado. Cualquier comentario con gusto estaré para responder y si quieren saber más de mi les dejo mis:




Hello dear friends of @theAnimeRealm a pleasure to stop by and talk to you today about an anime that I had seen some time ago, this is my second time that I can appreciate it and I thought it was to talk to you about it, because it is entertaining and has a touch of adventure with love, which fascinates me hehe, so, to the lovers of action, with love and friendship here I have Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, also known as the redhead Snow White.

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It is an anime based on the young Shirayuki who has an unusual hair, red as the color of the apple, focused on herbalism, she lived happily with her grandparents in the city of Tambarun but one day the first prince of the kingdom, the young Raj becomes obsessed with her hair and wants to make her his mistress, For this reason she runs away from the city and decides to cut her hair, but in the course of her escape she meets Zen, the second prince of Clarines. It is there where a new adventure begins for both of them, since Zen decides to support her and show her that her destiny is not written and that she herself can trace her own steps.

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It is an anime based on the young Shirayuki who has an unusual hair, red as the color of the apple, focused on herbalism, she lived happily with her grandparents in the city of Tambarun but one day the first prince of the kingdom, the young Raj becomes obsessed with her hair and wants to make her his mistress, For this reason she runs away from the city and decides to cut her hair, but in the course of her escape she meets Zen, the second prince of Clarines. It is there where a new adventure begins for both of them, since Zen decides to support her and show her that her destiny is not written and that she herself can trace her own steps.

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This anime really has adventure, suspense, friendship and love, not only is based on a typical story of the prince who falls in love with the commoner, but a prince who through meeting a girl whose fate seemed to be difficult to be persecuted by the simple fact of having a different hair will help him to be better every day, fulfill her responsibilities, protect what she loves and fight to preserve the welfare of her people, in the case of Shirayuki to fight for her dreams, to take advantage of her taste for natural medicine and show that she can help in any circumstance to not only be useful but to save lives.

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It has 2 seasons and an ova, it is very entertaining, there are funny moments especially Zen with his friends trying to decipher his feelings, it allows you the variety between a prince who wants to stop being a prince, but knows that it is his role, however, it does not imply that he can not dream of something apart as is the case of his love for Shirayuki.

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Mangaka Sorata Akisuki and Mazahiro Ando. Genre Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, historical and romance. Bones Animation Studio.

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Thank you very much for reading it. I hope you like it. If you have any comments I will be glad to answer and if you want to know more about me I leave you my:


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0.644 NEOXAG


Ya la estoy anotando para verla

0.019 NEOXAG

I didn't like the first season of this anime, but I continued watching it and I liked the second one, it had more interesting moments and that's why I continued watching it haha

0.000 NEOXAG

jeje si a veces con las historias pasa de esa manera al principio no captan y ya luego te atraen xD, muchas gracias por pasar!

hehe yes sometimes with the stories it happens that way at the beginning they don't capture and then they attract you xD, thank you very much for stopping by!

0.000 NEOXAG

Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!

0.000 NEOXAG

muchas gracias 😊

thank you very much 😊

0.000 NEOXAG

Amo esta historia, shirayuki se me hace una linda protagonista y Zen se nota que es un protagonista que respeta los deseos de quien ama. Me gusto tu reseña

I love this story, shirayuki is a cute protagonist and Zen is a protagonist who respects the wishes of the one he loves. I liked your review

0.000 NEOXAG

muchas gracias! si es genial como se desenvuelven los personajes!

thank you very much! yes, it's great how the characters are developing!

0.000 NEOXAG