Refuge in Sadness

Hello Hive!!

The persistent feeling of sadness, can it sink even deeper? To fall headlong into the abyss, in the darkest moments. Melancholy intertwines with each day, amidst the darkness and those challenges that seem impossible to overcome. Is there compassion, support somewhere, as vast as the depths of the ocean? Chaos, cold. But perhaps, not everything is so bad. I want to understand because despite it all, is there no fear? There is resilience, hope. A support within the self.


I did this in Photoshop, I don't know what crazy thing happened to Corel! I decided to do something different. It's been a long time since I created something without the texture formed by brushstrokes. Although I enjoy giving softness to the skin, I hadn't done it for a while, and it's something that takes time; in fact, more time than when I work on other styles.

Creating detailed things is beautiful on many occasions, but also, at a certain point, it may not be the right thing. That's why I've set it aside for a while. It's not what I want to express with my pieces. And no, my mind is not that orderly.




I started this drawing by creating the girl's face. I didn't sketch it, but I already had the position in mind, so I didn't have any issues with that. Using a brush I often use, I shaped the face a bit, though I didn't add too many details.


The next step was to complete the body. I didn't work much on that for now, and it looked almost flat because I hadn't added many details. I needed to change that later on hmmmm now, what I needed the most was the structure of the pose🙂.




As I progressed, I fixed some things on the face and also began adding the arms, although several were still missing. But well, it was a start, and there were still some other things I had to work on, like the face.


Yes, the face looks better like this! I made some adjustments, and I was finally happy with how the face turned out. I can continue with the rest now. It's been many months since I last used one of those soft, round blending brushes, but well, this time I used it to soften some things.




I adjusted the colors a bit and also added another of the arms; there were still some missing, but at least the ones for the girl were ready. Although I had to complete the idea, there were still a few more things missing.


Even though I've copied some arms, I need to work on the hands of each one to customize them, as each had a purpose. Something I wanted from the beginning was the contrast between the darkness and the very light girl, exploring what is in that darkness and the unknown.






To finish, I completed the missing hands, added a bit more color to the skin, and also introduced a touch of darkness, just a little, to reduce the shine on the skin. I worked on some other details, and it was ready.



Thank you very much for taking the time to view my work.


𝕺𝖍𝖍𝖍 BTW


𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖊𝖎𝖋 𝖚 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙



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Do you always work in Corel? Or in Photoshop? Unbelievable! They were the programs I studied when I studied design. This work is wonderful especially the expression of sadness of the face and those hands that seem to give shelter and has a green light of hope.... the girl suffers sunk in sadness and I will not know if there will be a tomorrow.

Very beautiful!❤️


Not always, lately for a few months I use Corel in 90 or 80% of the drawing and I finish in Photoshop, but on other occasions I only use Ps depending.. When I started digital the first thing I used was Photoshop and I've used it ever since. I got Corel at a prize years ago but I didn't use it,I was crazy about Photoshop and I had gotten so used to it that I didn't want to use another program 🤨😳. last year I gave it one more chance 😁 It is a good program although I don't know even 10% of it.

Oh! Cool, That's great! They are both very good and each has its char

Certainly an unexpected shelter, she is sad but feels cared for. Maybe it's deep inside her but what if maybe there is a latent hope to heal and keep trying? Maybe that's why there is sadness but not fear and she accepts the support that perhaps is needed🫂🫂

Thank you for ur message. 🤗


I haven't used Corel for more than 6 years .... I think I'll check it out! I always use Photoshop!

If you look fearless, I think you'll be able to face that sadness and get through it! Hugs!!


Of course, I think you won't be disappointed, although I don't fully understand it, it has a lot to offer, it seems like I'm advertising 😳

My version is from 2019 but according to some videos there are many new things in the most recent one which was 2023. If I could I would like to update to 23 It's a little cheaper than a new license 🤔, The good thing is that it is for life.

I really appreciate your words, thank you a lot !


I remember I learned corel in 2008, imagine the time that has passed and the new things I have to discover but it will be a beautiful challenge! Thank you for this comment, it encourages me to try it out! I love Corel!


If I am outdated by a few years, I can't imagine since 08, it's good that you want to try it again. You will surely do good things there!


The persistent feeling of sadness, can it sink even deeper? To fall headlong into the abyss, in the darkest moments. Melancholy intertwines with each day, amidst the darkness and those challenges that seem impossible to overcome.

I know this feeling (and even worse) by personal experience. I had dysthymia (a chronic form of depression) as a child. Currently I do not even remember how I even came out of it.


I'm sorry to hear that you went through dysthymia, and it's impressive that you overcame it anddd is inspiring to know you came out of it.

Thanks for stopping by! and for sharing


¡Es hermosa! Sin duda el sentimiento de tristeza esta presente en todos nosotros y en ocasiones realmente nos afecta demasiado. Lo importante es conocernos a nosotros mismos y sobre todo creer en que podemos lograr cualquier cosa que nos proponemos. Saludos!


¡Muchas gracias! Sí, la tristeza es algo que todos enfrentamos en algún momento. Pero como dices, conocernos a nosotros mismos y creer en nuestras capacidades puede marcar la diferencia. ¡Saludos!
