Betrayal during the war! 🥺
Betrayal during the war! 🥺
This is the most cruel act of the people you trusted.
In such a difficult moment to turn away, simply to delete a person from life is low, it shows your essence! ☝
So you communicate, say how dear this person is to you, and then there is a war ... this person dear to you is in trouble, and you just stop communicating!
Probably because this person was actually not dear to you! Well, it's true! How dear to you a person can become completely unnecessary!?
I would never do that! 😒
From the beginning of the war, I began to keep in touch with my relatives after a longer break in communication with them. I stepped over my pride and resumed communication to support them in difficult times!
But not everyone does this! Some people, even with good communication after the start of the war, cut off the connection!
I don't think these people have a place in my heart. 💔
War! 💣🚀 Every minute can be the last!
And then nothing will change! Then you certainly won’t be able to ask “how are you?”! Because there may not be anyone else to answer!
It seems to me that during the war you need to forget about all the grievances and just support each other!
After all, a friend is known in trouble! ☝
Who remained in my life during the war - will always remain in my heart 💖
Whoever left, the road to my heart is closed forever 💔
I can no longer trust those people who turned their backs on me during this difficult time! It's not just hard times! War is a terrible time! This is the time when you can not have time to say something important because of your grievances!
I will not judge people who turned their backs on me in a wartime, terrible time! I'll just cut them out of my life forever!!!
I will leave in my heart those who go with me to the end!
If you have people: friends, relatives ... with whom you have stopped communicating. Forget resentment, step over your pride! Just give them a call and I'm sure they'll be glad you made the first move!
Life is not long enough to waste precious time on grievances!
Show that you can be trusted and rely on you at any time!
With love Daria! 💘
Peaceful sky above your head! 👼
My Instagram account - yakubenko_daria
I love HIVE ❣
Yes my friend this is one of the many problems with war it divides and destroys in many ways.
@yakubenko Have a wonderful weekend !ALIVE !CTP
@yakubenko! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @benthomaswwd. (17/20)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Hope this ends soon! It is impossible to live in one day. We don't make plans. I have only one dream for the war to end!
Thank you! Good weekend!💖
I understand my friend hopefully it will soon be over have the best possible weekend stay safe and well
@yakubenko !ALIVE !CTP !PIZZA 😉
@yakubenko! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @benthomaswwd. (4/20)
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Some relationships fall apart and there is none we can do if one of the parties isn't willing to keep it. As they say, we find out who our true friends are - they are the ones who stay through thick and thin. (Came here via Listnerds)
yes, that's a fact!
Thanks and have a nice day! 💖
It's my pleasure :) Thank you too and fabulous weekend to you when it comes💗
Thank you! Have a nice weekends too! ♥
Well written, I know it is really hard to have real friends. It especially when you are going through hard times their true colors comes out.
Well, you know your true friends during difficult times which happens to be the time you actually need them most!
Well, experiences teach us though, open our eyes and make us wiser.
Yes, a friend in need is known.
I’m glad that I don’t have so many traitors) I’m not very upset, which means these people are not worthy of my friendship and fate in my life 💔
Have a nice day! 💖
Yeah.. Thas a good way to look at it.
Life goes on afterall.
Have a nice day as well😘
Many thanks 😘
You're welcome 🤗
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@benthomaswwd(1/5) tipped @yakubenko (x1)
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Yakubenko you are so sweet
I like you
I love 💕💕 you
Thanks to @xawi I found you through Listnerds.
Let there be no more war.
Thank you! Glad to see you! 💕
Unfortunately, some people are that way. It's sad but at least now you know who to hold close to your heart and who to only touch with a 6-foot pole.
Sending much love and strength to you and your fellow Ukranian's.
Hey! Thanks a lot! I appreciate your support. 💖💖
Indeed, I agree with you 100%. It’s just a pity that we have to go through such a terrible war and see who can be trusted and who can’t. But this is the only way to eliminate unnecessary people in our lives. If they are gone now, then the path to the heart is closed forever! 💔
Я якраз сьогодні згадувала свою колишню подругу... Вона відсторонювалась день за днем, ніколи сама не дзвонила, і поступово зникла з мого життя. Живе у Франції. Мені було дуже самотньо і боляче. Зараз, коли почалась війна, здавалось невже вона ні разу не спитала себе - як там мої в Україні? Чи хоча б живі?
Знаю, Вам також зараз боляче. Намагайтесь не витрачати свій ресурс на тих, хто не виправдав Ваші сподівання, відпустіть і забудьте. Хороших людей більше! Все буде Україна 💛💙
Так, добрих людей дуже багато!
Шкода чути про вашу подругу (
Я просто не уявляю як можна забути тих, кого вважали другом у такий важкий для нас час.
Значить, не така вже вона і подруга. Я впевнена, що вас оточуватимуть люди, які дорожать вами!
Життя показало хто насправді друг, а хто просто від нудьги спілкувався.
Головне підтримувати тих, хто залишився і хто потребує якоїсь підтримки. зараз моральна підтримка дуже важлива!
Молюся, щоби це все закінчилося! Сподіваюся, що це не затягнеться на довгі місяці, роки. Адже в такій ситуації неможливо жити, мріяти, будувати плани на майбутнє. Жити одним днем(
Невідомість убиває!
Все, що могло статися, найстрашніше вже сталося. Війна прийшла. Головне тепер це пережити!
Слава нашим захисникам! Віримо у Перемогу! 💛💙
Тримайтеся та кріпіться 💕
You learn who your true friends are when things are not going well. Thanks for sharing.
That's for sure! But those who remained will remain in my heart forever!
Are you alright?
yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking! 💕
But unfortunately there is no safe place in Ukraine 🥺
Now the threat of a missile strike has been announced again 💣🚀
I don't know you too well but I think you should consider going to stay with your mother in Poland. As I understand you're close to the front lines right now.
Yes, areas of my city are occupied (
But I'm holding on
I can't leave because everyone can't leave!