Taking Matters Into Your Hands To Reduce Unemployment


Some women at an FDA organized event advertising their products

Unemployment is one of the biggest challenges the world faces. I think every country has some kind of challenge with employment. While in some countries like mine it is a big challenge, it is not so much a big a deal in some other countries.Unemployment is a major campaign policy politicians hammer on during elections.

There are a lot of reasons why unemployment is high and though, some fault can be apportioned to the government, we as the youth and individuals can be blamed as well.

In this world we live in now, we cannot always rely on the government and other higher authorities to give us jobs. One way we can fight unemployment is by starting our own businesses. I know this is easier said than done because a lot goes into starting a business but then we have got to put ourselves out there and be hopeful we get the customers we need and want. We first of all have to think about we we get the funds and also the kind of product and customers we intend to capture but there are a lot of customers waiting to be tapped. We have just got to think outside the box.


A self employed woman


Another way we can end unemployment is to be serious with web3. Honestly, if we are serious with web3 platforms like the hive blockchain, we can turn it to more than just a source of passive income. It can become our main source of income because if you look at the big earners some earn more than those with white collar jobs. There are at times that even me who is not a top earner earn quite a lot in a week or a month. Some workers in my country earn less than $100 a month but with hive, you can earn double, triple or more than four times of that.


Also, we can reduce unemployment globally by reducing corruption and nepotism in the workplace while hiring. Some people have reduced their ages so that when they’re legally required to go on retirement or pension they do not buy still stay in the job. That is wrong because you’ve got to go and make room for the youth to occupy the space. There has got to be a stop to hiring unqualified people or hiring based on whom you know. Everyone should be given a fair chance to apply, interview and be considered for a job.


The agricultural side is one another way of reducing unemployment. We often look down on farmers but there is a lot of untapped opportunities in agriculture. If we opened our minds and took the opportunities, we would not only be helping be ourselves but we would be helping our countries and the world at large. In my country for instance, there’s a lot of land to farm and a lot of natural resources.


Other ways I think will help includes freelancing. Freelancing can help with temporary employment and allow people have multiple gigs.

So here are some of the ways I think can help with global unemployment.



Why do I feel like I am watching a video of you reading all this.

You are right about these points of fighting against unemployment and I will hammer more on corruption. It has eaten deep into our economy as has been a reason for our downfall.


😂 hmm this my guy. I’m glad you agree. Corruption is really a problem for everyone


Starting your own business is not as easy as it sounds but it’s worth it in the end. If most people started a business sometime ago they wouldn’t need jobs anymore.


You stated some important points which can really help us to get rid of the unemployment problem. I think in recent times many people feel demotivated in case of doing business and very interested in the job. That kind of mentality is not good and in the case of agriculture, many don't ever think about it because they think that it's for the low-class people which is not right.


You’re right. Most people look down on agriculture which I must admit, I did too while growing up. But agriculture is more than just farming for you and your family


Because of inflation the situation is getting worse and sometimes I feel that agriculture could be the best way to be self-dependent and cope up with the situation in the upcoming future.


You did hard work! Post reviewed and approved for an Ecency boost. 😊


You've listed some top point that would indeed he'll curb unemployment.

The likes of starting ones business is very essential, so is web3 being taken serious and the likes.


Thank you bro. I do think doing these can help curb unemployment


You're welcome. It'll indeed do just that.
