Summer Summoner Adventure with Astral Entity


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My summer summoner adventure

I got lucky to win a legendary summoner, and this card with the code number below is proof. I'm collecting these for use in battles and other competitions in the years to come. I tackle the subject matter and explore Astral Entity in order to bring other players to it and help them understand how to use it and what it can do. The evasion and resurrection are two of the greatest skills I've met, therefore in my view, this summoner is incredibly beneficial to have. The minus 2 armor is ideal to counter armor-enhancing summoners and creatures.


I was able to obtain one of the strongest summoners that I had been wanting. I had previously purchased this summoner for estimated 19 dollars, so the price drop of roughly 10 dollars makes it an excellent value for sale. I tried to check on Peakmonster but could not find the transaction history of my buy orders before.

Let's look at the history of this chaos legion summoner from the splinterlands lore.

It is a celestial entity that wanders between fractures in reality looking for new worlds and realms to inhabit. The Astral Entity is rarely mentioned in the athenaeums of the Splinterlands, but there are a few passing references to it if you look through lost scrolls in dusty nooks of old libraries. A humanoid figure made of cosmic energy is mentioned in snippets from different times. Despite this, the Astral Entity always seems to be followed by death. Nations and clans engage in hostilities. Crops wither, cattle get sick or become infertile, and the land is torn apart by starvation. Empires are brought to their knees by locust plagues, disastrous storms, and catastrophes. And when it's done, the Astral Entity disappears completely.


The crack that the Chaos Legion caused when they entered the Splinterlands reverberated throughout all of reality. The Astral Entity becomes aware of this. It was able to investigate this new realm by sneaking across the fissure unobserved.

It saw a mana-rich world full of interesting people and gorgeous surroundings. A world was also seen being shattered by the dominance of the strong Chaos Legion and its leader, Silus of the Rift. The Astral Entity watched the tensions, the anguish of the people, and the numerous casualties, but it did not attempt to offer assistance. It did learn, though. It gained knowledge of the Splinterlands' and the Chaos Legion's benefits as well as their drawbacks.

The Astral Entity could have to decide at some point. Whatever decision it makes, it will do it only for its benefit and in light of everything it learned through the ages of navigating the rifts.


Astral Entity Battle Fight


I was motivated to use the Astral Entity in combat since I was accustomed to some of his backstories and felt that this would be the best way to introduce him. On the live stream of Splinterlands TV, I was successful in using this summoner to defeat Schnaapoon, one of the most powerful and the Splinterfest victor. I was astounded that I could choose an astral getting to use in combat. I was scared that I might choose the incorrect cards, but I was sure that Astral Entity's power would overcome the odds and let me defeat one of the strongest players in Splinterlands.

On this challenge, we are only permitted to engage in combat on silver, so Schnapoon wants to engage in man-to-man combat, which means that there will be no bots playing against him. He even wrote a blog post about how he had given up playing in the league due to the bots, but I believe that his perspective will change as a result of the new rules for modern, but he really needs to support himself by working outside rather than just concentrating on playing and earning when the market is quite down for a little bit a long time. There are restrictions on taking profits, and market volatility and the bear will affect the majority of investors and players in the game. However, if this occurs and the market is in good condition, it may be possible to make more profits and keep playing with passion. I believe that players should take breaks when stress is beginning to affect their lives. To condition your body and mind and balance work and life, take a break.

this is the previous Schnapoon writing link
But I'm hoping that he'll rethink his mind and rekindle the burning desires he once had when Splinterlands gets its new updates and some proposal to implement modern to be player-to-player battle only.

Splinterlands TV one on one battle


Xykorlz Vs Schnapoon ----- Battle Link

I'm going to use thorns to defeat Schnapoon, but if I go all out to tank curse Windeku, I'm afraid it won't be effective, so I tried to push Venari Marksrat to the front so I could use Astral Entity's resurrect ability to let Marksrat rebirth and use it martyr ability to my Curse Windeku. I was attempting to shield my monster from opportunistic attack using the Ravenhood Warden's armor and my summoner's evasion prowess.

Because he utilizes Kelya Fredul for armor and speed, my opponent is faster than me, but my armor and evasion are pretty effective against him. Due to its powerful poison and the fact that I was able to remove his armor, the haunted spider was one of the keys to killing my opponent's tanker.

I used my astral entity to surprise my rival in this challenge. I wanted to fight for the next level, but my internet was slow, and I couldn't accept the match, so I was unable to face him in the second round. My goal is a chaos legion pack, and if I could win 2 rounds in a row, I would have a chance of taking home a CLP, but sadly, I was unable to due to a problem with my internet. It's a bittersweet conclusion because I still received a card as a prize for taking part in and winning the Schnapoon Challenge, and I received a Vruz.

My winning card


I make a clip from Twitch to showcase what happens in my match against Schnapoon

You can see how thrilling our clashes are, and Schnapoon is confident due to the cards he played on the streaming Splinterlands TV. I truly believed that I was weaker against him, but the dodge and misfire was one of his greatest obstacles. Because it was unable to connect, I was able to steadily infiltrate his defenses until all of his monsters were rendered ineffective, allowing me to prevail in the head-to-head combat.


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