Battle Mage Secerets - Obsidian Destroyer


My Today's Splinterlands Battle Challenge Secret!!

pelacor mercenary (1).png


RULESET: Odds One Out!


You can only make use of troops with odd mana costs. The rule at hand does not affect summoners. In order to avoid being caught off guard during unexpected combat rules, make sure you have the cards that are not Odds numbers and always secure the cards you need for your battle. The 1 3 5 and so forth mana sequence cannot be played.

It seems uncertain that I would be pleased looking for this sort of war scenario due to the fact is difficult to find conflicts on these rules. it's quite a bit hard and challenging to look at fighting in modern conflict.

Fortunately, I had my brawl fight, and when I checked, I had a battle epic on this challenge. It really takes a lot of tries in the ranking match to acquire this battle rule set; it's like I'm looking for a legendary card or treasure.

My Battle Mage Secret Summary 😎


In addition to the primary obstacle of Odds One out, there is also the problem of not having a legendary monster card and not having summoner abilities on the battle field. The exciting aspect is that there is just Earth accessible as an element, and with 16 mana, it's a truly catastrophic brawl fight.


The summoner I chose was Obsidian, since the ability of the summoner is useless, I could choose any summoner I wanted as long it was capable of playing on earth style combination. I forgot to mention that this brawl is limited to gold foil, thus every card needs to be gold in order for me to utilize it in combat. In addition, one of the challenges is the 16 mana constraint, which limits how many cards I may use in this game.

Battle Mage Strategy


Round 1: Observe the cards I have positioned. I have just three, while my opponent has three as well. The summoner we have on the field is the same. However, our approaches to this league are different.


As far as I can tell, I have one advantage that has made me feel proud: the Pelacor Mercenary's healing ability, which I see my opponent had no counter for. Instead, he used the martyr ability of Fungus Flinger and Scavo Hireling's repair armor. I don't understand why he insisted on using repair armor even though its tank lacked armor and a slot was wasted on it, so I took advantage of its flaws. To strengthen my Pelacor Mercenary, I also had Fungus Flinger if die it can buff.


The duel started with these two: the gladiator card Paliddon Rakk and the mercenary Pelacor. Although the former gladiator card has the bloodlust ability, it is pretty useless because there aren't enough cards to eliminate on the field for it to activate its rage and bloodthirst. Meanwhile, I was in control of the battle as a result of my healing ability; even though he kept hammering my tanker, it couldn't damage it properly because of my tank heal ability for the reason I had weakened his life points and defeated him against all the odds.


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