Upcoming Legendary Chaos Summoner, Conqueror Jacek Review



Evening Splinterlands Fans

Yesterday Splinterlands revealed the Second Chaos Legion Legendary Summoner, Conqueror Jacek, to be airdropped as yet another 1 million Chaos Packs are nearing the sale. As of now more than 9.5 Million Chaos packs have already been sold... God those Chaos Packs are getting sold out pretty fast, and are giving me serious fomo.

So, Conqueror Jacek, is a legendary chaos fire summoner an have been designed by @jacekw. It is the third Chaos legendary summoner and second one two be airdropped.

Costing 6 mana like Grandmaster Rathe, Conqueror Jacek brings in a new ability into the summoner's league i.e. Scatter. Conqueror Jacek will give all friendly ranged monsters Scatter ability, along with +2 Speed boast and Piercing ability. Needless to say, it will certainly live up to the Chaos edition name it belongs, bringing fair bit of chaos and mayhem into the battle field.


The best thing about Scatter is the degree of randomness it brings to the battle. As of now Scatter can't be controlled, even by the powerful Taunt ability. Having only one monster in team with Scatter ability (e.g. Chaos Dragon) creates quite bit of turbulence in the battle, one can only imagine what will happen when all the ranged monsters gets Scatter ability. Battles are going to be highly chaotic, turbulent & uncertain.
And to make things even more crazy, Conqueror Jacek also adds +2 speed and Piercing giving all the friendlies a real edge in the battle. Added speed will not increase hitting probability but will also improve chances of evading the enemy attacks. Plus the Piercing ability will render those shields ineffective.



Good luck trying to control and predict the battle proceedings!



Whereas using Conqueror Jacek will be fun as it will unsettle your opponent attack & defense plans. Also to top things up one can add blast ability monsters, making Jacek's scatter even more lethal. But being too aggressive can back fire too, if the opponent effectivity use Magic Reflect and Return Fire abilities.


Abilities like Poison, Stun, Double Strike, Giant Killer, Oppress and Cripple can also complement Jacek's attack pretty well.



When it comes to defending Summoner against Conqueror Jacek, I am frankly still a bit confused. But still my best bet are Grandmaster Rathe, Mimosa Nightshade and may be Lorna Shine. Lir Deepswimmer and Owster Rotwell can also prove effective under certain rulesets. I guess we will soon find out soon enough once Jacek finally comes.


As far as monsters best for defending against Jacek are concerned. First of all there is no place for low health monsters in a Jacek rigged battle. Also the classic Magic Reflect and Return Fire monsters like Cornealus, Almo Cambio and Prismatic Energy etc. will work good.

Also the abilities like Headwinds, Silence, Evade, Blind, Flying, Camouflage, Triage, Backfire, Protect, Repair, Shield, Swiftness, Slow, Forcefield and Amplify can come handy in mounting an effective defense.


Expected Pricing

Whereas Grandmaster Rathe settled around $20 mark, I expect Conqueror Jacek to be worth at least double the price about $40 mark.

Offensive summoners are preferred mover over defensive ones; like in happened in case of Zaku and Mimosa. Since Conqueror Jacek is the only offensive legendary summoner in Chaos set for now, so I expect its price to be on higher side.

Conqueror Jacek did outshines Grandmaster Rathe by some margin but at the same time it makes Grandmaster Rathe even more invaluable when it comes to defending. So there is also a chance of increase in price of Grandmaster Rathe price due to introduction of Conqueror Jacek.


That will be all for today.

Take very good care of yourself and people close to you..

Until next time...





Posted using Splintertalk


Thanks for your thoughts on How Cool this Summoner could be @xabi


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