The Global Menace of Unemployment.
If I remember clearly, two years ago, I was given the opportunity to write extensively on unemployment. I totally had no idea on what to write because I felt that the masses should know certain things, but I guess I was wrong. It can get really exhausting when able-bodied people blame the government for unemployment. "The government said they would do this for us. The government said they would do that for us". So all they do is sit and wait with folded arms.
With no doubt, unemployment is an agonising issue especially in third world countries and this has caused me to think over and over again. What are the first and second world countries doing better than the third world countries?
From observation, citizens of third world countries have an entitlement mindset. It's no doubt that the government has a major role to play in curbing unemployment but this doesn't mean that one should rely totally on them. What if the government fails?(which they do 40% of the time). Then what. It is always best to be innovative as a human. I've seen lots of disabled people who strive each day and the funny fact is that most times, the disabled do better than those waiting on the government.
Still under the mindset, many people feel that schooling is everything. I read a post by depressedfuckup sometime ago and he clearly stated the difference between school and education. One doesn't necessarily have to go to school to be educated(think about it for a second). So, whenever people complain about lack of jobs due to lack of schooling, it gets a bit hilarious.
Changing our mindset plays a great role in the curbing of unemployment. If we all decide not to totally rely on the government but instead, work on harnessing the talents embedded within us, then unemployment would be curbed.
Practice and research should be given emphasis
Year in, year out, millions of students go into college to study courses of their choice, or not, hehe. In the end, they come out and they are loaded with the theoretical aspect of whatever course they studied but they can not apply. Why? Because that was all they got–theory.
A friend recently narrated a story of how his lecturer got so annoyed when he asked "sir, so when do we get to apply all the things you're teaching us?". One can only imagine. Most students who graduate with flying colours do not get employed. Not because they do not have the knowledge but because they can't apply the knowledge.
If the educational system could create more room for practice and research, then less graduates would be roaming the streets unemployed.
Empowering Entrepreneurs
There are many youths out there with amazing entrepreneurial skills but they lack the necessary exposure or amenities.Empowering doesn't necessarily mean funding; it comes in different ways. Take for instance, a youth is great at making shoes but doesn't have the ability to advertise his expertise or a youth is great at tie and dye but doesn't have water to make her prints. Such situations limit people and in the long run, causes unemployment.
Empowering Entrepreneurs in any way we can would go a long way in curbing unemployment. It could be through providing the amenities, funding or even providing the exposure they need.
There are numerous things we can do on our own in a bid to help curb unemployment. As the government is striving to play their part, we too should do the same.
This is my response to the prompt for the week which can be found here. It is my first time posting in this community and so I would love your corrections if I broke any rules:)
With love, wongi✨
Lots of people are waiting for manna to fall not knowing it had cease for years. We have to make use of the available resources for our own advantage, so we must all strive to play our parts to reduce unemployment to the minimum
I agree with you on this, manner stopped falling ages ago. The sooner people realize this, the better for them.
Thank you so much for stopping by ✨
The pleasure is mine
I think 40% is a beat down of the actual fail frequency of the government when it comes to coming through for citizens. Let’s make that a 75%.
Exactly. People have skills with which they could create jobs, but their over-reliance on the government is why they’re still crippled. One thing that the current economic has taught me is that waiting for some sort of hail Mary or mercy from the government will not end well for you. We’re shifting into an era where entrepreneurs thrive, so it’s best we sharpen our skills and put them to use instead. If going to school helps you sharpen them better, then by all means that’s fine.
This is very accurate. We’re walking encyclopedias with hands can’t bring things to life.
Well, 75% will do😅
I agree with you on this.✨
Thank you for stopping by depressed❣️. I hope I didn't break any hiveghana rule?
The MODs will be in the position to tell. But as far as I know, you’re good. No rules broken:)
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This is true, many people today lack the practical knowledge and ability to apply what it is they've learned from school in the real world.
That's where being self-learned and pushing beyond the schooling system syllabus to create our ways to absorb and gain the knowledge that will benefit us greatly in the real world is the only edge we can have against other developed and developing countries.
The theory is the easiest part, applying is the real deal and third-world countries lack the practical tools necessary to enhance their lives and well-being.
But hopefully, with technology, the internet and educational platforms like Udemy, course correct and even youtube now within our reach, it's only left to us to utilize every opportunity to our advantage.
You got my point perfectly. Utilizing the available resources we have nowadays gives up an upper hand in the world. If only everyone could see this opportunity.
I appreciate your stopping by ✨
Thank you @pixresteemer✨