Java, The Spirited One.


Introducing Java, the courageous one.

Java sticking out her tongue

I know that picking favorites, especially when the kittens are still quite young isn't exactly the best thing to do but Java makes this decision surprisingly easy.

When I Lost Buoy, the male cat who showed me what having an actual pet and good friend felt like, I subconsciously thought I was never going to love any other cat as much as I did Buoy. This judgement was made out of pain. The pain that accompanies the loss of a loved one.


Since my mind had already been wired, I must have given off the “I'm not in the mood” energy whenever any of the subsequent cats or kittens came around me. This doesn't mean that I didn't give them attention whenever they craved attention.

And then there was Java.

Right after Java’s birth, I knew she was different. First, there is her exponential and rapid growth. She eats the same amount of food like her siblings do but grows way faster than they do. I know that on a few occasions, at night, I have mistaken her for her mother; this is because she has the same fur pattern as her mother with the only difference being on her eye colour. Gyal has green eyes while Java has grey eyes.


Java is also the protector and guardian of her younger sibling and she kinda reminds me of my elder sister. Bold, a protector, resilient and very strong willed. Aside from her mother, Gyal, and Buoy, no other kitten has been courageous enough to lie beside me on my bed, But Java did and I could be more proud although it was for a very brief moment.


Another thing Java does that makes me really proud is how courteous she is when taking a dump. About two weeks ago, I scolded Ruby because she took a dump right in the middle of the parlour. Naturally, I was unimpressed by this attitude but of course I cleaned it up.

Fast forward to a week after this incident, I was seated outside with a friend and we noticed Java surveying any area that was filled with sand and not concrete. For about a minute, she massaged the ground with her paws and I couldn't figure out what she was up to till she sat down, took a dump and immediately covered the spot with sand.


It isn't the first time I've seen this behavior in a cat because Gyal was trained to do this but I was just…proud. This way, I have one less kitten to teach where and how to take a dump. Java must have learnt this behaviour because she is always around her mother and may have noticed her mother doing this a few times. The other kittens aren't always around Gyal except when it's time to feed.

I didn't expect to yap this much about Java but she is one kitten that keeps making me proud. The best part is that she loves the camera, especially when my flashlight is turned on. She isn't terrified nor upset, rather, she just stands still and on a few rare occasions, sends a pose or two my way.

So there you have it, Java the spirited one.

Images used belong to me.


6.591 NEOXAG


Que lindos los gatitos, y te pregunto. ¿son tranquilos ?
Saludos @wongi

0.015 NEOXAG

No, no están tranquilos. A veces pueden ser muy tercos. Saludos😊

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0.008 NEOXAG

Thank you reachdreams ✨

0.000 NEOXAG