Caring For My Skin Health


The skin has always been one organ I find interesting. Something crazy could be going on in one or several parts at the same time, and some other parts seem to be in perfect condition. You then have to be extra careful in dealing with the affected parts so as to gain uniformity at the end of the treatment.

Well, uniformity is far-fetched, at least for many. These days, the media portrays the illusion of a 'glass skin' being the perfect skin. It's almost as if people forget that actual skin has pores and hyperpigmentation. There isn't perfect skin, just healthy skin. At least that's what I think.


I've always tried to do my part for my skin by moisturising, the fact that I don't like ashy skin is enough reason to, and my mum pretty much imbibed the habit in me. Ashiness is the least of my problems, I didn't realise how bad my skin problems were until they caused me discomfort.

I got to talk to a lot of ignorant doctors about my skin growing up, safe the very first one who gave a diagnosis I would come to find out was accurate years later. My skin problems were hormonal and from my observation, a sugar spike could worsen it.

I learned about insulin in school but I didn't learn about the physical manifestations of insulin levels on the skin. It's funny because I had a whole course on hormones but it didn't click then what my hormones where doing on my own body.

Cystic acne is one of the things I've had to deal with and a major misconception about acne of this sort is people thinking they can cure it. Lol. No amount of beauty product or even eating right is going to cure it. I've come to find the human body really weird, doing whatever it pleases.

I still do my skincare and try to eat right, but my main struggle is reducing my stress level and getting more sleep. Stress can aggravate matters and cause a breakout that is usually hard to come out from.

My saving grace recently has been topical drugs and staying away from more sugar than I can handle. I'm also conscious of what kinds of sprays go directly onto my skin, especially my underarms because some ingredients can trigger hidradenitis suppurativa flare-ups.

It's not easy having to care of this delicate skin, doctors appointment cost money, drugs cost money, skincare products cost money, even food cost money, lol. The things that help are; I try to eat healthy, exercise, reduce stress, wear lose-fitting clothes and be happy no matter what my skin looks like.


And we all forget to take care of this attractive part especially during winters.


It gets really dry in Nigeria during this time of the year, I always go heavy on lotion and baby oil.


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I use to have a serious breakout on my face in the past, turmeric, and pawpaw(diy) face masks helped me to solve it.

And yes, moisturizing body lotion plus baby oil during this Manhattan helps a lot.


It is so nice to hear that someone is taking conscious and very good care of her skin🥺.

The skin is something to be cherished. I hear stuffs like groundnut could cause acne but I've not heard about the insulin part of it.

It's a good thing that I came across your post as now I'm well informed✨


Hello @wolfofnostreet welcome to our community, we hope you feel comfortable and join our initiatives.

In this opportunity you present us with experiences associated with your skin conditions. You have taken on a great challenge, which sometimes happens to some of us. You present us with a detailed account of the conditions manifested in your skin. You bring us many elements for discussion and learning, I will describe them in detail:

-Knowing our skin, is paramount but we must go further, as you have done and educate yourself with specialized help of the triggers, stimulants of your skin conditions. for us physicians, we value greatly, when our patients become familiar with their condition. To treat and manage properly and achieve success, teamwork is peremptory. Physician-patient and when necessary family members. Congratulations on this.

-Hyperglycemia (elevation of glycemia "sugar" levels), as a systemic affectation can express itself in skin conditions in a great variety of forms. These expressions will be considerably reduced by controlling glycemia levels.

-Cystic acne, is a representation of multiple existing clinical variants with a multiplicity of causes and triggers. For this, your orientator and guide is your doctor, who will guide and lead you, in what is best for you and your health. There are conditions that appear as acute processes, with resolution at the integrus and reach there. Others, maybe it is your case, become chronic, so they must have permanent care and attention. I differ a little from you, perhaps obfuscated by the health situation, you refer it that way but food is essential to control acne, in your case it must be associated with other measures.

-As you well refer it in opportunities our organism, surprises us with its manifestations, which give us the impression of doing what it pleases. Many times we are ourselves with our actions, the stimulants of these responses but we do not know it. We must be accusious and observant, we must become our own investigators. Remember that you will be the guide and the one who will refer to the doctor through the anamnesis (interrogation that the doctor makes to the patient to obtain information of his ailments) what you feel and suffer through signs and symptoms. If your contribution is adequate, the diagnosis will be more accurate and consistent.

-It is good that you bring stress and lack of restful sleep into the discussion. Because our skin also needs to sleep and rest, to be free of anxieties. How the skin speaks to us, before these triggers in many ways as for example our skin can be visualized as withered, sad, dehydrated, can be conditioners of early appearance of wrinkles, sagging and the engine to stimulate the onset of skin diseases controlled.

-Regarding hidradenitis suppurativa (painful bumps, which can drain fluid and pus), it is a controllable and avoidable condition, where prevention is the first line.

I congratulate you, for your interest and commitment, in becoming familiar with and practicing prevention. You practice teamwork and not self-medication.

I close my intervention with your final sentence, inspiring, full of attitude and aptitude:

I try to eat healthy, exercise, reduce stress, wear lose-fitting clothes and be happy no matter what my skin looks like

Until another time.
Happy week to you and yours.


###Great entry, thanks so much.

We are glad you found a way through, and yeah, seeing doctors can be really expensive, hehe but stay away from the bugs you highlighted and you ll be fine.

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